
Happy New Year!!!


To whom it may concern,
          I'm not sure how many people who followed me are even still active. But for those who follow me for my lemons, I finally finished that sequel I had to all vote on and I said I'd write just before leaving Wattpad almost half a year ago.


We'll miss you but have fun and stay safe! 


@Stellalunashine1 "safe" is far too loose a definition for me to ever agree to it. Besides I look at my email once a week, bold of you to assume anyone is rid of me just because I won't be posting. Even that could chance, because I'm fickle and have commitment issues.


To whom it may concern,
          After about four years of fun, this app though basically being my only social media I use, has kinda of died.
          Since I'm having memory issues with my device and I only ever go on here to post once in a Blue Moon, I think I'm just going to uninstall it.
          If you are someone who's silently been watching my shenanigans from afar and is now completely heartbroken, believe me, you'll recover.
          Don't worry, I know some people love my stories, so I'm leaving them all up.
          I just never find myself on here these days, I figure it's just taking up space.
          Also since I do get an email if anyone comments I'll still totally sign into the website to chat with people in my comment section.


@That83person R.I.P., you will be missed. 
            This is so sad, Wheatley, play Despacito.


To whom it may concern,
          Am I the only one who goes to dead accounts of people I was friends with and reads through their announcements while being sad about how they've moved on with their lives? Maybe it's just because I don't have much of a life.


To whom it may concern,
          I made myself breakfast, dinner, and supper almost all by myself and only started two fires. Provided supper was chocolate muffins, but they had zucchini in them. Nothing premade, just a recipe and raw ingredients. Everything was edible I even kidnapped a friend to bravely try them with me.
          And Mom said I wasn't mature enough to move to the big city.