
I'm back! :))
          	I have to do the mid-term test and also prepare for the final exam for the university entrance. So, that's a lot to do.
          	And paired with a lot of "other" problems, The writing process is slowed considerably. 
          	However, I'm still here and writing, and won't stop anytime soon.


Hey everyone, I've recently started on my own book. I've been inspired by all the fanfic writers here, and I've decided to try my hand at doing the same. 
          It's a Steven universe story that follows a handful of oc characters.
          You can find the book on my page if you're interested.


I'm back! :))
          I have to do the mid-term test and also prepare for the final exam for the university entrance. So, that's a lot to do.
          And paired with a lot of "other" problems, The writing process is slowed considerably. 
          However, I'm still here and writing, and won't stop anytime soon.


So, It has been a long time since I last uploaded, and it makes me think keeping fellow readers in the dark wouldn't be so good.
          Therefore, I'm here for updating on the process. First and foremost, I think the thing that keeps me from writing the most is a minor addiction over playing video games and I am on the way to get rid of that. The second thing is that I am in the "end-game" of my grade 12, which will decide my time to write in the far future. 
          However, that doesn't mean I am out of ideas and plots to write, I do have a lot of ideas in my minds and a lot more ideas suggested by some of the followers, which is still opened for more.
          That's it. 
          Thanks for reading. And wish you a good day/night.
          - TLK9999




ok see you soon :)


will you like to be my friend :)


Heya new reader of your book I like the concept tho it slightly annoys me a tad bit that another element is added to the story cough cough Mozart but I understand the need to give the heroes something to struggle tho hopefully if you do write other versions like a crossover with undertale you avoid adding more god knows how op that verse is don't need you adding another op character when you have error ink and 404 in there


@Fatefan2022 understandable I'm not trying to tell you how to write your book and I think it's wonderful to add self made elements and if done well enough can cause a tad bit of problems god knows how many time I said a character from a ff instead of the actual anime.
            On a separate note stay healthy your physical and mental health must always come first no matter what other ppl may say your well being must come first if you think you are too stressed and can't keep up with upload don't upload take your time unless they are just a holes j think you'll find it hard to find ppl that won't have you priority your own welfare first


@Fatefan2022 I know that my stories is just a bunch of random events that doesn't connect to each other. 
            And thank you for the reminder. 
            That's why I have been absent for 2 months now.
            I'm trying to put out more believable plot and more structuring for the encounters now that I have seen my errors.
            Trying to connect all the dots.
            And about the Crossover with Ink!San and Error404, I DEFINITELY add that. Thanks.
            However, I can't promise that I will post anytime soon. School has been hell.
            But your review is very meaningful for me. 
            Again, Thanks. ^^


Hello. I'm here. Studying while trying to get as much time writing as possible.
          The chapter is still very basic, but at least I know where the plot heads to now. :D
          And the way I write? I may need to fix it later. :D


          Tomorrow, I will start my last  school year of high school before going to University. 
          And I want to say:
          I will not be able to post very often (as if I have been posting regular recently :DD )
          Anyways, though this will make me post less often, I can try my best to post at least one chapter per month.
          And that's not meant that I will ONLY post one. After finishing one chapter, I will continue to write the next one in my free time. Therefore, there may be 3 or 4 chapters per month.
          Thank you for following me. :33
          - David Christopher


          I'm back! :D
          I have had a "little" break for the past 2 months.
          I got distracted by other means of entertainment, :D
          So, I'm trying to fix my lifestyle and habit.
          And now, I want to ask an advice from you guys about keeping the temptation away. 
          Thank you. In advance.


@SniffSniffTea AWWWW!
            Thank you, Tea.
            That advice is very useful. 
            I was having a thought of writing another story while writing the current one. And your advice is on point. 
            Again, thank you. 
            Also, I'm glad that you still read my story. And I will read yours too. :D


@TLK9999 for me, I like a lot of things at once but I also have a habit of writing mini stories that don't make sense and I usually don't finish. That's how my story started actually, until someone convinced me to publish it.
            So in order to keep going on the one I'm writing, I just try not to write about other stuff untill I'm done with one story, or neither of the stories will be finished.
            Not sure if that helps, it's just what I do also welcome back :)