
No Problem. Just Keep The Books Coming and We Both Will Be Satisified. Thanks for being a friend (even tho i dont know you) Hope to read more . and if you cried i dont mean for you to . i just wanted to up your spirit a little


No Problem. Just Keep The Books Coming and We Both Will Be Satisified. Thanks for being a friend (even tho i dont know you) Hope to read more . and if you cried i dont mean for you to . i just wanted to up your spirit a little


Thanks so much for the love!


@Symone2380  Aweee that was really sweet. I am a real sensitive person and that moved my heart Lol. Thanks soooo much. That just brings me so much joy reading that. I want to say thanks for reading and you're welcome for helping you. But more thanks. it's readers like you that keep me writing.


@Mo_Lovee  Your Welcome. I Used to HATE reading until about a month ago my friend introduced me to you and your books.. I downloaded the app and began reading your books . As of today i have an 'A' in reading and thats all i really do is read.. Thanks for showing me that not always books in my interest amuse me so begin to read for fun for the ones that does. i really look up to people like you . No, Thank You !! I Really Appreciate it