
Hello everyone, the first chapter of Book Two has been posted. This chapter also brings clarity to the ending of Book One. I hope everyone will continue to enjoy my work. Thanks for commenting and voting.


@SuzannaSlanderz thank you so much .. I really love your works .. please read my message on the comment section on your book two chapter three .. I hope to show you my endless gratitude .. 


@SuzannaSlanderz Good development! You've got some interesting works there. Hope you get to check out mine, too.


          You don’t know me but I think about you every once in a while. Your books inspired me, they did absolute wonders for my child-like imagination. I am 18 now and still, I have worlds in my head, that were help created by the enjoyment I felt reading your works. I even started wanting to write and continue to want to write.
          I remember that you were going through a really rough time, last time i read IAROAR. I am sorry for your loss and I hope you are healing well.
          Thank you so much, you have helped me more than you know. I wish you all the best in the future.


Trying is enough. you didn’t just stop or quit. you put in effort. how much doesn’t matter. what matters is that you did at all when you could have chosen not to. you tried. and it’s okay if you didn’t succeed. it’s okay if it didn’t go the way you planned. it’s okay if you didn’t get what you were hoping for. because in every failure, every mistake, every regret, every heartbreak, every mishap, there’s a lesson. where there’s a lesson, there is growth. and where there’s growth, there is light. even in the most negative, dark, hurtful situations.
          The secret to finding your passion is to start bringing passion to everything you do. No matter how small or big whatever you are doing is, do it like you really want to. That’s what creates excellence. And, great success.
          Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle And the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. 
          -. Never stop dreaming. Combine with hard work, persistence, discomfort & faith, & you are on your path to great success.
          "Dear whoever reading this, 
          I hope that next year, on the same day, you'll be having a different life: more beautiful, more fun, more successful, more peaceful, and more passionate. 
          I hope that next year comes with all your secret prayers answered with what you've asked for or better than what you've asked for.
          I hope that next year you'll be living livelier and happier." 
          You know, it's okay to restart for how many times in your life—when you feel like everything's chaotic and messy, when things became out of your control, when you think you faced a dead-end, or whatever reason you may have, it's all fine to be back to square one again. It's way better than to stay still on where you are, and be stagnant; also a better decision than giving up. It's hard, so bring along some patience for yourself; you are growing, you are learning, and you need those experiences to survive. 


i can see that youre so dedicated and passionate in writing that even though youre in the situation that others might not handle well you do a great job by overcoming it and still continued writing this story.
          i hope soon you'll be okey
          and if ever you decided to continue your passion in writing i'll wait here and support you for your come back.


@BloodyMitch_18 Hey, may I know what happened to the author and are the books now unpublished M


Hi, I just finished reading your book (IARR)  until the discontinued part... I really love your story and how you gave life to each character!! And I also know for sure, how dedicated you are on continuing it... that even trials stuck on you... you are still moving forward... it might be slow but you are still persevering to do it. I am moved and hoping for God's blessings in your life. I will not wish impossible things from you(continuing those stories despite the stress you're having) but I wish for your peace and stability... If ever you have steeled yourself for a fresh start/continue moving forward... I would still very much welcome any progress for what have you started.. It might not be now but when you feel it is good to be.


Good afternoon! I just want to tell you how your story's plot and your writing style greatly impresses me! I managed to finish the book one of It's the Reincarnation of the Reincarnator in just two and half days— it actually surprised me. I know that you're going through many things right now and i hope that you stay strong, but I'm not the only one hoping that you will finish the book two— because it is soooo good. Please take your time and continue, keep it up! Thank you for writing a great story! (。♡‿♡。)


For us who finds refuge in reading I selfishly wish for you to continue writing. I've spent half of my teenage years on reading and I plan to continually do so. I might not know the exact feeling of your loss but I understand that you are spending all your energy to live your life. If you ever find yourself wanting a quick escape from reality, please comeback here with us. We are waiting for you in this realm, just like how the male lead (can't spell his name) waits for the female lead (can't spell too) to come back in Tolling Lands.