Welcome to The Strangeness and Charm Book Club! This club is to discover the undiscovered and give the unpopular genres their time to shine. We will be reading a new book once a week based off the members in the club. Anyone can join so please do! You can even make friends along the way. To join you must follow us and pm us saying you want to join. We will then interview you to see if you will be committed and once we follow you back you are in! We don't want people who aren't going to read the books and just wait for their book to be read but we would love to have you if you'll be a true member. This page is where we will have our announcements and maybe even contests!

Please read our book of rules and conditions before attempting to join. They are very important.

We look forward to having new members and meeting you all!

  • under a stack of books
  • Üye olduJuly 27, 2015

Son Mesaj
StrangenessCharm StrangenessCharm Sep 07, 2015 06:49PM
IMPORTANT MSG: Okay, guys, so we can all agree that we have been very busy with school and such. Including us, the presidents, this being said, we don't have the time we used to to read and comment a...
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Strangeness & Charm Book Club tarafından yazılmış hikayeler
StrangenessCharm tarafından yazılan Rules and Conditions of the Book Club adlı hikaye
Rules and Conditions of the Book C...
This is the Strangeness and Charm Book Club. Here everything will be explained about what we do, what we are...
StrangenessCharm tarafından yazılan Discussion Thread Links adlı hikaye
Discussion Thread Links
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