
Golly gee, it's literally been over a year since I've posted ANYTHING. So so so sorry about that guys! It's been a rough year full of just... everything. Life, 'ya know? Anyways, I just put up a new chapter on A 6th Shell Rising (FINALLY). Hopefully this can get me some more momentum to really start working on it again. Thanks for stickin' around!
          	Also, I have revamped my Hellboy story that I mentioned in my last post and I have a lot more faith in this draft. I'll hopefully start that up here soon.


Golly gee, it's literally been over a year since I've posted ANYTHING. So so so sorry about that guys! It's been a rough year full of just... everything. Life, 'ya know? Anyways, I just put up a new chapter on A 6th Shell Rising (FINALLY). Hopefully this can get me some more momentum to really start working on it again. Thanks for stickin' around!
          Also, I have revamped my Hellboy story that I mentioned in my last post and I have a lot more faith in this draft. I'll hopefully start that up here soon.


Fun fact about me: in middle school, along with TMNT, I was obsessed with Guillermo Del Toro’s Hellboy movies. As what almost always happened/s when I watch a movie that absolutely captivated me, I decided to start a fan fic that picks up with the end of the last Del Toro movie. Today, the Hellboy reboot trailer has been dropped and I am S T O K E D. So, for old time’s sake, should I post what I have written? Abysmal grammar, weird story, and all? 
          Lemme know!!
          Btw, here’s the new trailer:


'Ight guys, I have decided to do a little spring cleaning. I'll be taking out a few of my little miscellaneous stories that I literally haven't updated since I first posted them (and nothing will be developed on them anytime soon because of priorities and so on), but don't worry! I'll leave my bigger and more popular stuff up for you to continue to enjoy (even if it takes a millennia for me to get around to continuing...) 
          In place of some of those things, I've decided to go through some of the stuff that I'd written in a creative writing class that I took senior year, most of it is poetry, and some of it is already up ( Archie Smith and When All Hope Seems Lost) since those are the larger compositions that I had to write for the class. There is no guarantee that the poetry is any good--I can write stories, not poetry--so knock yourselves out if you have any interest!


'Sup my dudes. I know I haven't posted anything lately, but I have been working on it! College is very time consuming and has been my life for the past semester... And now finals week is upon me starting tomorrow and boy-howdy, am I freakin' out about it! Hopefully I'll have something new up within the next few weeks after everything begins to settle down from school and I'll actually have some leisure time on my hands. Stay hopeful guys, I haven't died or fallen off of the face of the Earth yet!
          Happy Holidays,


HAPPY NEW YEAR MY FRIENDS!! I hope you guys had a good holiday and a happy beginning of 2017. 
          I am trying my best to power through the ever frustrating dilemma of writer's block and am making headway. I'll hopefully be able to get a chapter out on SOMETHING sometime soon since I have about another two weeks of winter break until school starts for me again. So don't fear, a chapter is near! 
          Best wishes and I love you all!


Okay, I know it's been almost 3 months since I put out a notification/update about any of my stories. Yes, I have been a slacker and haven't updated anything in forever and I honestly have NO excuse now that it's summer break, but know that I have recently found a drive to work through my writer's block! So please be patient with me and my laziness and I'll hopefully be able to get something up soon! 
          Love you guys!


Okay, so I know I haven't posted much on anything lately and that is because I am smack dab in the middle of a huge final project and busy schedules that are taking up huge chunks of my life right now. After this is over with, I'll be able to really work on everything and post some new chapters. I love you guys for being patient and please bear with me! 


So I had a late night idea that hit me around 11:45 last night and it may be a little controversial to some of you Shell Heads out there..... So *sighs nervously*, if you guys weren't aware of the original idea of Micheal Bay's TMNT where the guys were aliens only to have it furiously shot down by the fans--- I got the thought of possibly growing off of that idea, even though it wasn't exactly smiled upon.... *cringing grin* 
          The idea is that the four are actually royalty on their home planet (name is still TBD) and are sent to Earth with an ambassador (Splinter) to be raised out of harms way of the Kraang war until they're old/mature enough to go back home and fight along side their parents and people. I honestly think it's a fun idea, but I want your guys' input on whether you'd want to see something like that. 
          Yay? Nay? Maybay?
          Respond please to let me know!


Kool. I just wanted a second opinion before I put it out there. I'm pretty stoked about it and have thinking about it all day, so, as any author does, I've tweaked a thing or two. But I'm glad that there will be at least ONE person who enjoy it :)


@StrangeKid1998 I mean, I've been reading a TMNT fanfic where Leo and Raph are angels and almost everyone else has been possessed by a demon. If that ever actually happened in the show, comics, or movies I'd go ballistic, but as a fanfiction I think it works...sort of. Can't really explain why I like it, to be honest.


            I've never really been a fan of that original TMNT 2014 plot, and I think if it ever actually happened in a movie I would flip out. However, this is fanfiction. I think it is a cool idea (and chances are you'll do it better than Michael Bay ever could) and if you want to, go for it!!!