A special thanks to C.E.Bronk for suggesting a Cicada story while reading The Goats Knew. 
          	With both the 13 yr and 17 yr broods emerging this year, I couldn't pass up the opportunity! So get out the deep fryer and hot sauce. It's time for CICADA.


@SteveJBWO Yay, new story!!!
          	  Hehehehe.... story about the summer bug just in time for summer and a super hatch... how timely. ^_^


A special thanks to C.E.Bronk for suggesting a Cicada story while reading The Goats Knew. 
          With both the 13 yr and 17 yr broods emerging this year, I couldn't pass up the opportunity! So get out the deep fryer and hot sauce. It's time for CICADA.


@SteveJBWO Yay, new story!!!
            Hehehehe.... story about the summer bug just in time for summer and a super hatch... how timely. ^_^


Finally got my a$$ in gear and finished a challenge story before the deadline! This one is for the SciFi November challenge: My Alien Teacher.  Here we go with Teacher's Pet.


@SteveJBWO Congrats on getting the story done by deadline!
            And, yay! New story!


This story, The Cuckoo's Egg, was supposed to be an entry in the SciFi monthly challenge, but once again, I got distracted by medical nonsense and missed the deadline. But I decided that I like the story so I completed it today. If you've been reading my work, you may recognize this as a prequel. It didn't start out that way, but it is what it is. Enjoy.


I appreciate the kind words. I know people with more serious issues than me, so I try not to complain (too much!). I just wish the people that bought the company I work for weren't such assholes. That makes everything else more difficult. But I'm dealing with it. Thanks for sticking with me on these journeys.


@SteveJBWO Short stories can be fun!
            But, hey, sometimes the words just don't come even when the story's short and you know all the stops along the way... And it sounds like your brain had plenty to deal with and process, so the creative writing train got derailed.
            Hope everything's okay!


Yeah, a short one. I was still taking a break after completing Sinkhole, but I started a story for September's challenge. But dealing with too many doctors and too many bosses got to be too much of a distraction and I missed the deadline. It was a few weeks before I went back to it. Silly really, because it's a very short piece. I should have been able to finish it over a cup of coffee.


The last two chapters of Sinkhole are now complete! Finally! I had a hard time getting to the end of this story. I kept thinking "one more chapter", then, as I completed each one I realized I was no closer to the conclusion! These characters simply wouldn't cooperate with me. But it's done at last. Thanks for sticking with me on this. Here's 26. Technical Technicalities and the Epilogue.


Thank you so much. I've had stories run on longer than expected before, but this was unusual. I kept thinking I was nearly there and I'd finish a chapter and realize I hadn't gotten any closer to the end.  Thank you for following along the way you do. It made the whole process so much more enjoyable.


@SteveJBWO Woohoo! Congratulations on finishing!