
Every now and then I come back from my busy schedule and I come to find that many of you still read and adore my writings and I'm incredibly grateful for all the wonderful comments and feedback!~ I wish I could update more often as I've said prior. I do apologize for not being able to continue, life gets very busy, but needless to say, I always try to come back and write when I have the chance <3


Every now and then I come back from my busy schedule and I come to find that many of you still read and adore my writings and I'm incredibly grateful for all the wonderful comments and feedback!~ I wish I could update more often as I've said prior. I do apologize for not being able to continue, life gets very busy, but needless to say, I always try to come back and write when I have the chance <3


I keep saying I'll work on chapters but it seems I can never really get to them- For that I must apologize- However... I'll definitely be trying to update more/work on my books more, even if it has to be done one at a time. Thank you all for your patience!~


Your the author of that School story...
          My God I came to tell you that...that story...made me much...I stopped reading it...OK? I'm sorry! But anyways I never thought I cried for a story...except for shiz I seen on DA.
          Anyways *ahem* Hello! I'm not really "new" but your stories are quite fascinating and I came here to cheer you on! Or at least I'm looking for new friends cause I am getting lonely -u-


Thank you!
            Im sure ill give you more feedback if you like? I mean thats what friends are for right?
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Your so awesome! It's hard for me to come across a Mario fan! Even on the internet!


@CountThePotato Heh, you aren't the only one who feels that way. But on here you'll come across many Mario fans, I'm sure.
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Salutations fellow koopa! 


@iOminousKid o.o that's so sweet! But you don't have to give me a gift for a friendship! Having someone new for a friend, is enough for me!
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I was kinda working on a little friendship present..too bad wattpad can't send pictures. I like to draw the I figured that I could draw you a clown car!
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