
@oriahnovamoore It's not too long, many people who've read it have done so in a day or two, but I can summarize itas well haha. 


Lol I love how people in Europe make fun of the American accent while people in America make fun of the European accent it just makes me laugh at how similar we really are. ( btw I was just reading As Dead As They Come)


Ha! Truth, huh? :) Jayden's certainly a cranky one; there aren't many types of people that -don't- annoy her.


Hey, I'm going to read this book, but I'm supposed to do an essay on it before Monday, and I won't have enough time to read it by then, and I was wondering if you could give me a summary without giving things away? Please, it would be amazing! Message me back when you can, thanks! (:


Oh... Never mind about that. I think it's just unedited parts in Hell To the No. Sorry! Btw I absolutely love both versions of it... You're a fantastic writer. 


Not a problem! I was gonna say, I have it up on a few story-posting sites like Fictionpress, and it started on Quizilla where it got pretty popular, so it's possible you actually did see it somewhere else. XD That means a lot to me, thank you so much! It's great that you love the story, warms my old heart.