
AH! It's finally here, part one of Cotillion is finally here on "To Lovingly Hate You"! The newest chapter is called "A Night To Remember (Part One)"! I'm so excited to see you all there!! :D


Hiya! I just wanted to pop and let you all know I’m doing good, this next chapter of “To Lovingly Hate You” is just a beast to write, but I’m working on it well and steadily and it should be out soon! :D 


@StaticBrooke Did you like my book idea. I've seen tons of people do this on their books I just don't know if this is you're style. You don't have to do it now because I know your busy with other works but just let me know.


i’m glad you’re doing well and i can already see the chaos, i can feel it…


I have an idea for you. Where you take the characters from The Queen and Her King and put them in a movie theater to where they can see everything. Since beast and belle never got to see her in action same with the other adults. Just Queen Leah, Audrey her parents Fairy Godmother Jane Chad his parents anyone involved as main characters except for the vks parents. And just so your not stressed copy and paste the chapters and then edit them on notes and in the commentary of everyone else.  This is something I'd love to see but if you don't like it that's okay too


Hiya! I’ve been merrily working on the next chapter of “To Lovingly Hate You”, and I believe I have a little question to ask you all when it comes to a certain… scene, which I can’t disclose much about of course, but I always listen to music while writing of course and I can’t help but feel rather torn XD 
          The question is simple, would you all prefer a specific… confrontation scene to be accompanied with song lyrics that certain characters could be singing, or to skip that all together? I’m torn because it feels so right to have a song in that scene but also don’t know if you all like songs in chapters either so your opinion would be greatly appreciated XD 
          If you would prefer the song route, I have two options, one is more… Disney per se but follows the scene really really well, the other is a little more serious but doesn’t follow the scene as well XD 
          Please let me know your thoughts, as that scene will be the next thing that I’ll be working on after this chapter is finished soon! :D 


@StaticBrooke I think the song chapters are fun, they’re just annoying due to the way my brain works, but I’m just annoyed with my brain and not your writing! But if you do go the song route, I vote the more Disney song


Hiya! Alright, to continue to make up for my unplanned hiatus, I decided to quickly write up a little prelude right before Cotillion for you all on "To Lovingly Hate You" titled, "The Danger of the Human Ego", things are about to get interesting ;D


Hey girl! You good? You haven’t posted any chapters or announcements or comments replies in almost three weeks. Just checking to make sure everything’s okay!


@StaticBrooke Okay good! I’m sorry about whatever it was that happened, but I’m glad you’re okay!! I’m not sure if you’re Christian, but let me know if there’s every something you want me to pray over!


@aatkins2019 Hiya! Yeah I apologize for my absence, about two weeks ago a pretty big life changing decision was made in a single day, and so it’s taken me quite some time to truly process that change. For about a week after that decision was made I didn’t do anything honestly, I just hung out with close company to keep my mind off of things and tried to reason with this change, and finally I feel like I’ve come to terms with it :) I’m alright, I’m all good, and I’ll be returning VERY soon ;D 


when you get a chance can you please update change the tides.


thank you so much for uploading it and when she said that she has a bit of baby fever does that mean after her and harry are married they might have a young one.


@HollieCrook  Sorry about that wait! The next chapter of "Change The Tides" is out now! :D


Hiya! As I’ve been working on the next chapter of CTT, I’ve also been working on a lil surprise for you all when it comes to TLHY, and I was wondering if you all wanted that surprise early in its own “chapter” per se (as I’m pretty much done with said surprise), or if you all wanted to wait until we come back to TLHY to get this surprise, I have three of them technically so it would definitely work as its own “chapter”, but I just wanted to ask you all regardless to see what you all think! :D 


@StaticBrooke i can't wait to read the next chapter of change the tides.


@aatkins2019  Posted it, very excited to see what you think! :D