
Hey guys!
          	 I'm really sorry for the lack of updates. I haven't written much in a while, I am starting to update some stories again. I haven't been inspired but I am working on the stories again. I'll try to as many chapters out as possible before I start another semester at college. We're back to in-person learning this fall so I don't know how much writing I'll be able to do but I will try to update. For now, I am working on updates for Saving Chris' Future, Twice Blessed Children, and The Love of Family. I'll get to the other stories but those three have been requested the most. 
          	Have a great summer and stay safe!


Hey guys!
           I'm really sorry for the lack of updates. I haven't written much in a while, I am starting to update some stories again. I haven't been inspired but I am working on the stories again. I'll try to as many chapters out as possible before I start another semester at college. We're back to in-person learning this fall so I don't know how much writing I'll be able to do but I will try to update. For now, I am working on updates for Saving Chris' Future, Twice Blessed Children, and The Love of Family. I'll get to the other stories but those three have been requested the most. 
          Have a great summer and stay safe!


Hey guys! I'm alive and well. I've just finished my college courses and should hopefully be updating some of my stories soon. I have exams coming up but after that, I should be writing again. Thank you for all of your support and stay safe!


I’m big fan of charmed and I’m so happy that I found you story’s I really enjoy 


@ghadi_ili  Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm really glad that you enjoy them so much


No problem. Thank you so much for your amazing stories and letting me use one of them (kind of, not copying.) 


@Kitkatgilmoregirl No worries, take your time. I enjoy reading the work of other people.


I haven't started yet but I will start working on it today or tomorrow. Also I really appreciate you wanting to read one of my stories. It means a lot. <3


@Kitkatgilmoregirl Can you tell me the title of the story? I would love to read it.


Would it be okay if I do a story similar? I promise it wont be copy or anything like that, but I like the main concept of your story and was wondering if I could do a story of my own with it. If you are uncomfortable with it at all then I won't use it. I just wanted to see if it was okay with you before doing anything.


@Kitkatgilmoregirl That's totally fine. I'm happy that I was able to inspire someone. Thank you so much for your kind words