
Still alive.  Been writing chapters, but I'm hesitant to upload more.  The issue of disorganized  chapters is still not being fixed when I reorder it in the table of contents.  As I'm only adding chapters when I'm online now and writing in an outside app, I'm thinking of copying the current chapters and deleting the story and republishing the story, hopefully fixing the problem.  Thoughts?


Still alive.  Been writing chapters, but I'm hesitant to upload more.  The issue of disorganized  chapters is still not being fixed when I reorder it in the table of contents.  As I'm only adding chapters when I'm online now and writing in an outside app, I'm thinking of copying the current chapters and deleting the story and republishing the story, hopefully fixing the problem.  Thoughts?


Update: I'm still alive.  My Middle-Earth fanfic sequel is underway.  It crosses over with Dark Souls at the time of the third game with references/memories from the first game.  Right now, what to do about the book's cover is being the main irritant.  Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy the story.


Sorry for basically dropping off the face of the earth for a while.  Hit writers block then heard a few negative comments on my Warframe/MCU crossover that kinda hit, so I've been debating on whether or not to continue with a Warframe fanfic at this time (I was working on a crossover with Final Fantasy 7 remake, but after the comments/complaints I'm not sure anymore), so I was considering my sequel to my Middle-Earth fanfic that crossed over with Dark Souls 1 and 3 (we don't talk about number 2 from what I've heard and seen?).  Yes, no, or something else?  I'd like to hear some options or feedback.
          Thanks and have a happy new year.


@getMurderized yeah.  Still.  I've got to at least consider things before doing another crossover.  I mean Warframe and Final Fantasy 7 is about as different as they come.  I'm kind of working on my lotr sequel right now so I haven't stopped as of yet.


@Star_of_the_West Its your story, they dont like they shouldn't read it


@getMurderized sorry for the late response.  Some people commented and PM me some "criticism" that wasn't constructive.  It seemed to me that some didn't remember this was a fanfic and had a very fragile idea of what was possible and what was clearly a thing for the fanfic.  I mean, I wrote it because I enjoy both franchises.  Back to the drawing board I guess.


In case it wasn't announced, I have started back on my Shadow of War/Middle-Earth fanfic.  My Warframe/MCU story was running out of ideas for me without going to deep into Warframe lore and plots, etc.  If there are suggestions, I will take them into consideration.  Thank you dearly for your patience.


So I'm wanting to read At Vaders Right Hand but it says it's book 3 of 3. Which ones are book 1 and 2? Also just wondering if your going to continue your shadow of war book. 


Ah okay awesome. Thanks!


@ShadowDiaz14 it should be book 3 of 4.  The order is "Darth Nekros Rises", "Dark Vengeance ", "At Vader's Right Hand", and "Supremacy of the Force".  And I may finish the Shadow of War story eventually.


Hey, guys.  Hope you are having a good weekend.  I've got one of the last chapters in this fanfic lined up.  Spoilers...
          Olraun and Sauron will be duking it out to decide who is "The True Lord of Mordor." 


@Nekros2018  I know. I'm just messing with you!


@RJHarma no.  The bit about the next chapter was a teaser for what was to come.


@Nekros2018 are you calling me a tease? I'm offended!


So, I was wondering if you could do me a favour. Can you please update your shadow of war book please. I find it truly amazing and I would be so grateful if you updated the book. Thank you if you actually read this and good bye.


@EverittEccles I mean, it is the best fantasy franchise out there, imo


@EverittEccles and I also love Lord of the rings