
Ok, people. I have come back from the grave. I'm on other social media's now. I will continue to write here but like when I have time. Also I read my books again cuz why not and I have been overwhelmed by a large amount of cringe. I have grown, changed for the better, And most importantly, I got better grammar and humour now. Here's my insta, star_night840. But my snapchat is kinda private,  I'm not throwing it away for random people to catch. Anywho, Greetings and Farewell.


@StarDestiny138 Glad to have you back!I'm glad I haven't uninstalled Wattpad yet


Ok, people. I have come back from the grave. I'm on other social media's now. I will continue to write here but like when I have time. Also I read my books again cuz why not and I have been overwhelmed by a large amount of cringe. I have grown, changed for the better, And most importantly, I got better grammar and humour now. Here's my insta, star_night840. But my snapchat is kinda private,  I'm not throwing it away for random people to catch. Anywho, Greetings and Farewell.


@StarDestiny138 Glad to have you back!I'm glad I haven't uninstalled Wattpad yet


HI! Nice profile pic


@StarDestiny138 Finally! I can use my phone to message somebody!