
I decided to take a VERY DARK TURN on story writing, so from now on, ALL OF MY CURRENT AND UPCOMING STORIES ARE JOT MADE FOR CHILDREN, AS THEY HAVE A SERIOUSLY DARK AND GRUESOME AMOUNT OF GOREY DESCRIPTIONS AND STUFF. (referring to a certain part of chapter 3 in the next generation)


@Ssyn0PinnikelL ooooooooooo okay, I think I could handle it!


I decided to take a VERY DARK TURN on story writing, so from now on, ALL OF MY CURRENT AND UPCOMING STORIES ARE JOT MADE FOR CHILDREN, AS THEY HAVE A SERIOUSLY DARK AND GRUESOME AMOUNT OF GOREY DESCRIPTIONS AND STUFF. (referring to a certain part of chapter 3 in the next generation)


@Ssyn0PinnikelL ooooooooooo okay, I think I could handle it!


this message may be offensive
Hey guys.
          Im not gonna be using wattpad for a long time because of some things involving my depression, and some heavy family drama, but im almost always online on discord because i talk ti my friends on there, and they try to help me through my sad moments and as of currently they havent failed once. but if you wanna still be able to talk to me and stuff my discord account is in my bio, but because of some hacking stuff going on with vrchat and discord, imma have to tell you to tell me your wattpad username when i accept ur friend request. just to avoid hackers.
          with that out of the way, I hate to say that i wont be using wattpd for a while to like socialize and read stories, but i might occasionally work on the next chapter fir my story thats wip rn. im trying to make longer chapters and more interesting storylines other than waking up, some crazy shit happens, go back asleep, repeat. like my first story did. also Murder Drones: The Next Generation (the current wip story) will be focusing more on the past, basically putting my concept for an official murder drones season 2 into a book form, with the perspective of S (me). I dont know when it will be done, but if you would like, after you clarify who you are (if you friend me) on discord, i can invite tou to a server that has SixPathsFoxSage9, the creator of the fanfic, war on solver (which is a good story, id recommend it to anyone looking for a murder drones fanfic to read), and a few more people. i have no idea what the owner's wattpad account name is but i know them by "Glazeroth".
          ok, thats enough yappeneese from me, have a good day, and i hope to talk to some of you on discord. :3


            Oh okay! I don't use Discord but that's okay- Hope you feel better soon, and don't forget to treat yourself sometimes!


why dont emojis work 3:


also I apologize for not being active as much, I got some family drama along with me trying to make my Gurlfriend feel not alone and scared like me cuz i want her to be happy, and with that i barely get time to be on here, but I will be when I can.