
For those who are asking why my this account is so desolate aside from the fanfictions, it is because this is my writing account I have a separate account for reading. 
          	And why do I not interact with my readers? I want too, whenever I want to reply I always delete it and say “ill think of a better reply tomorrow” to the point that I couldn’t reply anymore because it has been a week or so . I really am grateful and this time ill try to be more active. But ya ain’t gonna get a happy ending on any of my angst fictions .


For those who are asking why my this account is so desolate aside from the fanfictions, it is because this is my writing account I have a separate account for reading. 
          And why do I not interact with my readers? I want too, whenever I want to reply I always delete it and say “ill think of a better reply tomorrow” to the point that I couldn’t reply anymore because it has been a week or so . I really am grateful and this time ill try to be more active. But ya ain’t gonna get a happy ending on any of my angst fictions .


今日は! This had been rather late, but thank you so much for expending the time and effort to follow this measly account of mine despite my constant inactivity! Your support is greatly appreciated. I hope you'll find scrolling through my works worthwhile, and I wish you best luck in your endeavors! (๑ˊ͈ ꇴ ˋ͈)‎♡̷̷̷


Holy sht why did I just see this now? ごめなさい