
I forgot how wattpad works but i updated Crestfallen and it took 10 years off my lifespan. Next chapter is just gonna be Atanas ignoring tf out of Claude btw LMAO. 


@SocietyMenace please come back! I love the book Crestfallen!


@SocietyMenace when are you gonna update, it's almost been a year 


Hi Author @SocietyMenace! 
          It's been over a year now. And I've read your WMMAP Crestfallen book a year ago in hopes you'd update it. I decided to reread again and it's really really REALLY GOOD. I'm very much invested in the story and the status displayed is Ongoing. It's really entirely your own choice, if you don't want to, you don't need to. But I'd really really like it if you have enough motivation and courage to continue the Crestfallen book. It's really good! I'm really curious about what's gonna happen soon. And even though it's been like almost 2 years, I still hope that you are able to finish it. It's entirely your choice, but please do think about it. Thank you Author! ^^


Hi author it's been yearswhere are uuu? I have read the book wmmap crestfallen! And honestly it was SO AMAZING i love the book, so i hope you continue uploading it BECAUSE IT'S ONE OF THE BEST I READ!! Don't discontinue it authorrr:((((


@Melaie329 ikr author pls dont discontinue it. I got attached to the story and the story is really amazing author 


Hello Author!
          I'm the reader of one of your fanfic of WMMAP!
          That was a very very good story, also the saddest fanfic of WMMAP i've ever read, each chapter always making me falling tears.
          But i found out that you have been not uploading for a while, are you?
          Please, update! All of your readers were waiting for you uploading your piece of art.


Hiii author! It's already been a year since you last updated Crestfallen and I'm really attached to your story:) I wonder when will you update it? Please don't force yourself too much and you can take a lot of time to answer this^^