
Sol paced around in front of the delivery room, his eyes wide as he continued walking back and forth. A shriek made his head shoot up, his body moving quickly to the doors. Hyugo moved in front of him and grabbed his shoulders, stopping him before he could burst into the room. "You'll stress her out, you can't go bursting into a baby delivery room"Hyugo reminds as Soo struggled to get past him. Deryl hurried over, quickly helping to hold Sol back. "He's right man, you don't want anything to happen to the baby right..."Deryl reasoned looking equally worried about Myla as another shirek reached their ears.
          	"He shouldn't have done this in the first place, otherwise she wouldn't be shrieking right now"Brittney retorts looking equally as worried. Everyone stopped as silence followed all eyes flying to the door as it opened. "The father may go on, then guests can visit afterwards"A nurse greeted walking out. Sol hurried past the nurse, nearly knocking her over in the process as he rushed into the room. Myla sighed, smiling slightly as a baby laid on her chest. She looked at him, giving him a sleepy smile. " managed to keep your cool, I'm proud of you"Myla chuckled as he walked over. He stared at the baby, his hands trembling while his legs threatened to give out beneath him.
          	"Meet Runi"Myla giggled at his stunned expression. He reached forward, and hugged her being careful of the baby as well. "Sol?"Myla blinked noticing his shaking shoulders. "Thank you...thank you, Myla..."Sol mumbled tears streaming down his cheeks. He lifted his head, his eyes on Runi. "She's precious...."Sol mutters Runi fast asleep on the woman's chest. Myla smiled, and cupped his cheek. "You're both precious...."Sol mumbles gripping her wrist, leaning into her touch. She chuckled, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I love you"Myla mumbles. "I love you too, and Runi, I love you both so much..."Sol mutters smiling slightly.


Sol paced around in front of the delivery room, his eyes wide as he continued walking back and forth. A shriek made his head shoot up, his body moving quickly to the doors. Hyugo moved in front of him and grabbed his shoulders, stopping him before he could burst into the room. "You'll stress her out, you can't go bursting into a baby delivery room"Hyugo reminds as Soo struggled to get past him. Deryl hurried over, quickly helping to hold Sol back. "He's right man, you don't want anything to happen to the baby right..."Deryl reasoned looking equally worried about Myla as another shirek reached their ears.
          "He shouldn't have done this in the first place, otherwise she wouldn't be shrieking right now"Brittney retorts looking equally as worried. Everyone stopped as silence followed all eyes flying to the door as it opened. "The father may go on, then guests can visit afterwards"A nurse greeted walking out. Sol hurried past the nurse, nearly knocking her over in the process as he rushed into the room. Myla sighed, smiling slightly as a baby laid on her chest. She looked at him, giving him a sleepy smile. " managed to keep your cool, I'm proud of you"Myla chuckled as he walked over. He stared at the baby, his hands trembling while his legs threatened to give out beneath him.
          "Meet Runi"Myla giggled at his stunned expression. He reached forward, and hugged her being careful of the baby as well. "Sol?"Myla blinked noticing his shaking shoulders. "Thank you...thank you, Myla..."Sol mumbled tears streaming down his cheeks. He lifted his head, his eyes on Runi. "She's precious...."Sol mutters Runi fast asleep on the woman's chest. Myla smiled, and cupped his cheek. "You're both precious...."Sol mumbles gripping her wrist, leaning into her touch. She chuckled, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I love you"Myla mumbles. "I love you too, and Runi, I love you both so much..."Sol mutters smiling slightly.


Myla laid beside Sol her cheek squished against his chest, his arm wrapped around her waist. Her eyes shot open and she threw the blanket off waking Sol as she ran out of the room. Sol rubbed his eyes and followed her, looking concerned when he found her emptying her stomach. He kneeled down and rubbed her back, holding her hair out of the way. "You alright?"Sol asks looking concerned, wincing as she started throwing up again. Myla rested her cheek against her arm, letting out a small groan. Her eyes widened looking alarmed. "Did my period come..."Myla asks looking at Sol. His eyes widened, catching on to what she was suggesting. "I'll call Hyugo.."
          Hyugo stood beside Sol, both waiting outside the bathroom. "Really on first round you manage to have this happen"Hyugo says side eyeing the male. Sol glared at him and gently knocked on the door, looking worried now. "Myla." The door unlocked but didn't open, Sol glancing at Hyugo. Sol grabbed the knob and turned it, pushing the door open. Myla sat by the bathtub, her face buried in her arms as her shoulders trembled. He walked over and sat beside her, his hands hovering around her before he finally wrapped his arms around her pulling her into a hug. "What was it?"Sol asks looking around for the test Hyugo brought for them to use.
          She held up the text, revealing that it was positive. His eyes grew wide in disbelief, taking the test his eyes darting back when Myla held up three more positive ones. "Should I make an appointment for you both? The tests could be wrong"Hyugo suggests his hands on his hips. Both nodded in response, both too tense and stunned to answer. Hyugo watched the two, then sighed and walked away. "Alright, I'll make a quick call and see what can be done"Hyugo mutters. Sol silently hugged Myla, her face buried in his shoulder. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean for this to happen"Sol mumbles her hand gripping his shirt. "I'll take care of you, I swear."


Which Twst x Poppy Playtime AU do you guys wanna see
          1. Lilia freeing the kids souls after finding out his own kids and others were turned into the toys
          2. DogDay AU where DogDay finds himself in Twisted Wonderland and gets rescued
          3. Smiling Critters AU where the critters get paired with students that they'd seemingly be comparable with
          4. Livia searching for Lilia after he went missing when she was 5(DogDay gets saved in this one and joins her)


Hoshi started with wide eyes as Regef was dragged from his cell, Cayena standing beside her. She gasped, her hands flying to her stomach, Cayena's eyes darting down to her. "ERROL!" Errol picked Hoshi up, rushing away. "CAYENA!" Cayena looked at Regef, her eyes widening when she noticed how desperate he looked. "Please.."Regef mumbles looking towards where Hoshi was taken to. She gestured to the guards, Regef running past her his hair flying back. "HOSHI!"Regef yells hurrying into the room. He grabbed her hand, brushing her hair back as screams filled the room. "I got you"Regef promised as she gripped his hand.
          Wails filled the room, a maid holding a bundled up baby. "It's a girl!" Regef smiled and looked at Hoshi, pressing a kiss to her tear stained cheek. Hoshi smiled at him, turning pale. "Elaine's's a girl, looks like you won our bet"Hoshi smiled her eyes slowly dulling. "Hoshi..."Regef started his eyes widening. She touched his cheek, smiling at him. "Take care of her..please." She turned her gaze to Cayena. "Please let him he can raise her"Hoshi says Cayena held her hand in hers. She fell still, the life draining from her eyes. The maid passed the baby to Regef, a small smile on his face as he stared down at her.
          "Hello Elaine, I'm your dad..."Regef smiled his expression softening. "And dad is still exiled." Cayena took the baby from him, causing Elaine to wail as Regef shot up to take her back. Two guards grabbed him, his eyes wide. "CAYENA!! DON'T TAKE HER FROM ME!"Regef yells as the guards dragged him out. "SHE'S MY BABY!"Regef shouts. She watched silently as the guards dragged the man out, ignoring his pleas for her to not separate him and his child. "CAYENA!!!" Cayena looked down at Elaine, gently patting the babies bottom, getting reminded of Hoshi immediately. "I'm sorry Hoshi....but I'll take care of her"Cayena mutters as Elaine fell asleep.


Like Brother like Sister
          Drayton: *Stretches, holding his PokeBall* Alright
          Drayton: *Smiles* Ready!
          Dynasty: Then send out your Pokemon big brother!
          Drayton: *Tosses the ball forward and does a little hop backwards*
          Haxorus: *Roars, lashing his tail*
          Dynasty: *Tosses her ball forward, doing the same little hop backwards as Drayton*
          Drayden: *Watches the two, hiding his amusement well* I said this once and I'll say it again
          Drayden: These two are truly brother and sister


For those of you who seen "Dragon Siblings" my story with Drayton and my new Poke Oc who's his younger sister.
          And those who read the book know about her connection with Celebi and the mystery behind it!
          And, in one of the chaptera, Dynasty has a strange dream. She has no memories, doesn't know who she is, her partner is a Snivy!
 guys see where I'm going with this?
          Haha...since Legends A-Z's trailer is out...
          Dynasty is in danger~~
          I'm about to pull an Ingo with this girl!! Drayton's losing his sister!


@Snowstar444 maybe I can show you her 


Dynasty ran beside Drayton, her hair flying behind her. "Torracat!" Torracat turned and beamed, bounding over to her. He leaped into her arms, rubbing his cheek against hers. "I'm so glad you're okay!"Dynasty smiled hugging him tight. "Tor!"Torracat beamed. She perked up, noticing the cautious wild pokemon peeking from the undergrowth. Drayton stared at them, his eyes widening. Torracat looked at the watching pokemon then back at Dynasty, nudging her cheek. She stared down at him, then back at the wild pokemon, her eyes widening slightly.
          "Dyna..."Drayton says placing a hand on her shoulder. Dynasty bowed her head, petting Torracat. "Alright"Dynasty smiled lifting her gaze. Torracat licked her hand, his ears drooping. "I always knew one day that I'd have to let one of my teammates go....I knew it'd be the hardest for me to do as well but they need you, I won't be selfish and say no, I'd never do that to one of my pokemon"Dynasty mutters. She hugged Torracat, tears falling down her cheeks. "You take care of yourself and the others alright!"Dynasty says tightening her arms around him.
          Torracat nodded, resting his cheek against hers. She let him go and smiled, holding her fist out. Torracat bumped his head against her fist, Dynasty making a quiet exploding noise. She scratched him under the chin and smiled, giving him a small nod. Torracat turned, padding over to the wild pokemon causing them to slowly come out of hiding. He leaped up onto a rock and yowled. Dynasty stood up, staring at him. Torracat stared back, then turned and leaped down, leading the wild pokemon away into the undergrowth. Dynasty rubbed her eyes then turned and hugged Drayton, his hand patting her back. "It's alright...let's head home"Drayton mutters. "Okay"Dynasty mumbles.


@Snowstar444 aww well am glad I made a comment about your wonderful work


@hercega Thank you, I didn't think anyone would comment on this, I feel kinda flustered


Jaye watched Rufina closely, their hand gently brushing her apart to keep the sweat from making it stick. "She's not looking so well"Hali comments looking at the girls reddening face. "Maybe it's a reaction, remember she has been unable to transform into her animal form, she's a late bloomer when it comes to it"Mischa reminds looking at the others. "So her body's having a shifting reaction? What if she gonna turn into!?"Jessa gasped looking startled. Rufina cried out covering her face, panting coming from her as her nails sharpened. She yelled, slashing at the air. "Rufina!"Jae yells grabbing her wrists and stopping her.
          They grabbed her hands tightly in theirs, then quickly let go when she shifted. A brown red lioness laid on the couch with a small mane of fur around her neck and tailing halfway down her back. "Rufi?"Jae mutters lifting their hands concerned. Rufina's eyes opened, looking at him. She growled softly, and shifted normal. Rufina touched her head, looking stunned for a moment. "I thought I'd become a red panda like my mom and grandmother"Rufina mutters looking stunned. Jae hugged her, her arms wrapping around them with a small smile on her face. "Thanks for taking care of me"Rufina mutters.
          "Hey, we're in this together"Jae smiled moving back and placing a hand on her shoulder. "Yeah I know"Rufina smiled her eyes lighting up. She pressed a kiss to their cheek, getting a small smile from them. "Thanks again, Jae"Rufina giggled getting another smile from him. She stumbled up and nearly fell over but Jae caught her, standing her up straight. "Thanks...again, Jae"Rufina chuckles moving back. She sighed and touched her head, relieved to have gotten her shifter from. "Take it easy alright"Jae suggests patting her back. "Alright"Rufina giggled. "They together?"Hali asks. "It's a platonic romantic relationship"Jessa explained. "Oh"Hali nods causing Jae and Rufina to laugh.


Rufina carried a box, then perked up noticing familiar hair. Jae rubbed the back of their head, looking down at her. She turned on her heel, going the other way having decided to avoid them so her family's habit didn't take too much control over her. "Rufi, I do like you." She froze at their words, her eyes widening in shock. She looked at them startled, Jae scratching their cheek, looking somewhat embarrassed. "I don't have time for your jokes, Jae"Rufina scolds turning away. She set the box down by the trash and walked off only for a hand to grab her wrist.
          "I'm not joking"Jae sighs turning her to face them. They sighed, working their mouth to find the right words. "I'm not into romantic relationships, but I want to be with you"Jae finally says. She blinked up at them, her mouth slightly opened. "So, can we have a platonic romantic relationship..."Jae asks staring down at her. She watched their expression, feeling their grip on her wrist tighten slightly. A sigh came from her followed by a small smile as she stared up at them. "Alright"Rufina smiled nodding. Jae smiled, their hand releasing her wrist. "Good, I wasn't planning letting you go till you said yes"Jae smiled nodding to her.
          "Jae! Rufi!" Both turned at the others voices, then smiled at the other. "Should we tell the others?"Rufina asks getting a nod from Jae. The two jogged away, finding Max and the rest waiting for them. "Hey you two"Mischa greets waving to the two. "What's with the giddy smiles?"Jessa asks curiously. "We're together"Jae responds smiling down at Rufina. "Didn't you sa-"Brax begins. "It's a platonic romantic relationship, we're together but still friends"Jae explains lifting their hands. "Carry me!"Rufina orders hopping up onto their back. Jae wrapped his arms around her legs, looking amused. "Well, good for you both"Terra nods smiling. "Now let's go"Jessa grinned. "Alright!"