
I hope everyone likes these new chapters despite the several lifetimes they took to release. I'm probably gonna make another update chapter in a few days to just talk about some stuff.
          	It does feel good to be back. I hope you all have a great day and a great start to your summer.


I hope everyone likes these new chapters despite the several lifetimes they took to release. I'm probably gonna make another update chapter in a few days to just talk about some stuff.
          It does feel good to be back. I hope you all have a great day and a great start to your summer.


@Skeptical_Samurai88 So will you go to continue working on writing more new chapters in your When Heroes Aren't Enough (Male Reader x My Hero Academia) now or later


@williamsmaurice1254 sorry I didn't see this until now, but I just released two new chapters. My free time is not what it used to be, so these ones took a long time.


Been a lotta busy 2 months. New school semester, home and work, mostly been playing the new cyberpunk dlc. Next chapters with both of my stories are looking to come out soon. Chapter 24 of WHAE is looking to be over 60 pages long so I'm thinking of splitting it into two parts. Chapter of Chaos Incarnate is gonna be more mellow following what happened in the last chapter. Always give a date and never deliver, so I'll just say I'm working on them and stuffs going smoothly. Until then, everyone.


Finally got the next part of my cyberpunk story out. I'm proud of this one and am excited to write more. The next thing I update will be my mha story. That one is shaping up to be the longest chapter I've ever written. I'll try my best to get it out before the end of the summer.
          I hope you all enjoyed and are looking forward to what I've got in store. Have a good one everybody.


Hey guys. I hope your summer is going well. 
          I've been incredibly inactive lately, but I just wrapped up my courses for the summer and am hoping to update both of my stories before the end of August.
          Also, I'm going to be trying new for a little bit where I just focus on writing my work without reading any comments here, so if I seem extra unreachable for a while that's the reason.
          I hope all of you are doing well in life and hope you enjoy the chapters.


How's the next chapter of the MHA story coming along?


@Hyde137 yeah I really want to. Got some really cool ideas planned to put my own spin on them, especially the second one


@Skeptical_Samurai88 That's great. Cause it's a really good story! Just a question if you don't mind? Are you gonna be doing the movies in the story as well?


I'm writing a story and i want people to read it. Can you help me please


No problem. Just keep practicing and improving and the readers will come in time.


Thank you so much for the advice have a good night or day


@Popcorn981 if that is what you want then read other successful stories, see what works, then put your own spin on it with your own story. However my biggest piece of advice is to make the kind of story that you want to see. If your having fun making your best work people can usually tell and more people will want to read it.


Does the cyberpunk story have a ship with Lucy or smth? Cause she is the only character that’s tagged if I’m not mistaken. ( just read the pilot the story is fire btw)


@HoodieHanzo2 she's definitely going to be in it and will play a prominent role. As for a ship, idk yet. That story is still in its beginning stages and I'm still trying to feel things out. I'm glad you like the pilot bro, hope you like the rest of it.