
          	Cyberpunk AU
          	Lucas, neck-and-neck with Mario as they skid dangerously on motorbikes around a neon racetrack, visor flashing gold in the lights and cameras focused down upon them, crowd screaming themselves hoarse as they approach the final stretch.
          	Brandon, Lucas’ mechanic, husband, and manager by day, yet by night a brutal gang leader prowling the lower end of the cities, eliminating the lowly criminals who oppose him and his brother’s authority, leaving no survivors to tell of his inhumane deeds.
          	David, cracking his neck as he pulls himself from the floor of the ring and raises his fists to his opponent, blood tricking from his nose wiped away by a bandaged fist as the flashing lights and shouts of the fighting ring overwhelm every sense he has until all he can do, all he can even remember to do, is to keep fighting.
          	jUST SAYIN—
          	(Also if anyone has any ideas for anything to add to this, then feel free to comment it. Brainstorming rn but I feel like this is going places)


@Sir_Robyn I spent some time thinking and offer you this 
          	  Brandon and Lucas have known each other since they were like. 7, and Brandon has always been a fan of making things, and Lucas would test them out.
          	  They’ve been in a relationship for a very long time too.


@Sir_Robyn yea, i figured.
          	  Still epic tho


@Hi-ImChai I’m only talking abt the genre here, cause I haven’t played the game nor watched the anime


          Cyberpunk AU
          Lucas, neck-and-neck with Mario as they skid dangerously on motorbikes around a neon racetrack, visor flashing gold in the lights and cameras focused down upon them, crowd screaming themselves hoarse as they approach the final stretch.
          Brandon, Lucas’ mechanic, husband, and manager by day, yet by night a brutal gang leader prowling the lower end of the cities, eliminating the lowly criminals who oppose him and his brother’s authority, leaving no survivors to tell of his inhumane deeds.
          David, cracking his neck as he pulls himself from the floor of the ring and raises his fists to his opponent, blood tricking from his nose wiped away by a bandaged fist as the flashing lights and shouts of the fighting ring overwhelm every sense he has until all he can do, all he can even remember to do, is to keep fighting.
          jUST SAYIN—
          (Also if anyone has any ideas for anything to add to this, then feel free to comment it. Brainstorming rn but I feel like this is going places)


@Sir_Robyn I spent some time thinking and offer you this 
            Brandon and Lucas have known each other since they were like. 7, and Brandon has always been a fan of making things, and Lucas would test them out.
            They’ve been in a relationship for a very long time too.


@Sir_Robyn yea, i figured.
            Still epic tho


@Hi-ImChai I’m only talking abt the genre here, cause I haven’t played the game nor watched the anime


          Even though we’re already in the new year
          The New Years special is wayyyy longer than I originally planned it to be, so sorry that it’s late but it’s gonna be a couple made days til it’s actually finished 
          In other news, fun fact! David’s demon in FTO (according to David’s discord and David himself) is actually called Abaddon, or Abbadon. The discord couldn’t decide which spelling and David couldn’t remember lmao


@Sir_Robyn he will never escape the Bob


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@Sir_Robyn holy shit I love that demon name
            David calls him Abbabob


          So. I just got out of school like— idk, 30 mins ago? So these last few weeks have been annoyingly hectic for me. But anyways, that now means that I am out of school, mainly stress-free and able to get writing again!
          Now, I won’t be posting a oneshot for Christmas Day cause I know for a fact I procrastinate too much to finish something really good by then. Instead I plan on finishing the long awaited part 2 to my Fashion and Ink, which should hopefully act as a Christmas oneshot whilst also making up for the lack of Halloween oneshot! I plan on posting that on New Years Eve/Day.
          I’ve got many many more pieces of writing which are close to being finished, and after Christmas I am going to try and get back to regular writing, rather than disappearing for months—
          Anyways, Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and have a good day/night!


@Sir_Robyn wooo!
            Welcome to being freed.


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          I’ve got a lot of ideas and not that much time to write. School’s been piling on the work lmao-
          I kinda hate being one of the smart ones.
          I’m working on several different oneshots at once, cause I hate making life easy for myself, and I really wanna write more for my Thrones of Power AU but motivation for it just isn’t coming. But I will get another oneshot done in the next few days, that’s a promise (:
          I may do a Halloween themed oneshot? I have no ideas yet, but if any come to me, I will absolutely write it. Halloween is the best fucking holiday and no one can change my mind. Also my friend has got me into the band Ghost and holy shit I’m so upset I didn’t find them sooner I love their music so fucking much
          Aight. I’m really hungry, imma go eat now. Have a nice day/night and happy spoopy month (:


@Sir_Robyn  (:     Can't wait to read anything you have, No matter what time it comes out! Also YES HALLOWEEN BEST DAY EVER


Y’know when you wanna write something but you don’t wanna write anything, and you don’t know what you’d write yet you have so many ideas, and you know it’s been several days and you should reply to your friend’s messages but you just don’t want to, and you wanna draw but you don’t want to and yet you still wanna write?
           I just want to write. But I don’t. But I do. But I can’t get myself to start writing. And I can’t get myself to do anything and everything feels like too much energy and just  f u c k.
          I’ll be fine soon tho :) Just been feeling a little shitty recently


@CallMeDelta for some reason it won’t let me read your storys


@Sir_Robyn it’s totally understandable to not feel good. Take a break if you want. You’ve earned it.


I can’t remember if I did or didn’t but I think I may have forgotten to turn on the notif for my main announcement-
          Or maybe I didn’t, and I’m annoying people by double alerting them. I can’t remember.
          Just in case. Ignore this if you’ve already read the thing below, but if you haven’t then I think you will want to check out the message below this one (:


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          I just realised that there’s 42 of you now?? What? That’s a lotta people, hi hello I’m Cael and I’m not entirely sure why you’re following me, but thanks!
          Aight, so. Sorry about literally nothing being uploaded recently, but i have many many excuses for my laziness. Pick your favourite—
          Kidding. I have actually been doing stuff, I just haven’t managed to finish it yet—
          Uhhhh— the sick fic has been put on hold for a little while cause I don’t feel like writing it just yet, I’ve half-started the next part of the Thrones of Power AU! I am enjoying that AU, and I’ve decided that I’m making it into a separate book. Is that a bad idea? Probably. Who cares.
          All of my recent work has just been on one new AU idea, which currently has 2500 words and I’m not halfway through it yet—
          A couple hints for that? It’s a college AU, (featuring two of my favourite studies) Mavid based, coffee shop AU vibes, a lot of interesting insults, drag queen Lucas— yeah it’s something. It’s very fun to write though. Hopefully it’ll be done soon, realistically it’ll be several days knowing me. I’m also doing a shit ton of art for this AU too, cause there’s just so many things that I desperately want to draw and so many side stories that could branch off it—
          I love this new AU. Expect more art soon (:
          (Holy shit this is a long update—)




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Guess who managed to get sick!
          Which is weird cause I rarely get sick. And I hate getting sick.
          Anyways, I have done zero writing for the last 4 days-
          Feeling much better today though! My vision is still a little blurry, but ig that’s what happens when you mix dizziness with already crappy eyesight.
          So uh. I’ve decided that among the other dozens of oneshots that I’m planning on doing or have only half finished, I’m writing a sick fic. If I felt like shit, I’m making the characters feel like shit.
          But I wanted to know if there were any character/s or ship in particular that you guys want to see a sick fic about, and which AU or origins (eg. College AU, FTO, OoO, an existing AU I’ve done before, etc)?


@Sir_Robyn no, fto with Lucas calling David an idiot a lot, and Mario being the only one who can actually get David to rest is just what I was thinking-


@CallMeDelta thanks!
            And I really like that idea-
            That in FTO, with a lot of Mavid and a lot of brotherly love with Lucas…
            Unless you had any other ideas for what AU/Origins it would take place in?


@levi-gacha-123 thanks! I do feel much better than yesterday (:


Strange but genuine question-
          Do I seem like a sweet or savoury kind of person to you guys?
          Like- do I seem like I’d walk into a cafe and get a slice of cake, or a sandwich? Do I seem like I’d chug iced tea like it’s water, or would I drink black coffee?
          Don’t question the weird question, but just.
          Sweet or savoury, what kinda vibes do I give?


@Sir_Robyn hm. Well I was correct in the fact I was wrong-


@CallMeDelta I am in fact a sweet person!
            I have an extreme sweet tooth, and there are very few sweet things that I don’t like.


@Totally_Cheesy it’s 1am currently and all I want is some glacé cherries-
            They’re just amazing istg
            Glacé cherries and some peach iced tea..
            Mmm. Good food.
            Also yes I’m very much a sweet person-


          This is late, god knows why I was so late-
          But a friendo that most of you probably know has done some incredible fanart of one of my AUs!
          Please, check out @CallMeDelta cause xe does amazing writing and drawing, and he’s done some fanart of Mario from my Gravity Falls AU! An AU that I haven’t written about yet, but that I might write a bit of in the future.
          Once again thank you to xem (:


@Sir_Robyn it was a delight to draw Mario, he has funky energy!