
@Chocolate_addict  :) Hehe thank you! :) I don't think Sitting in the Sun and How to Embrace Your Inner Nerd are going anywhere, but the one I  would love feedback on is Before the Mask :) I'm guessing you like The Phantom of the Opera? Your sister and I talked about it a lot in class. Before the Mask is my fan fiction about the main characters and their childhoods and basically everything leading up to the beginning of the movie :) So, I would love love LOVE it if you read what I have on that story :) I need to read some of yours too! I'm always caught up on writing :P Which one of yours would you like me to read? Anyways, I'm thinking about deleting Sitting in the Sun and HTEYIN. Have a great day! :)


@Chocolate_addict  :) Hehe thank you! :) I don't think Sitting in the Sun and How to Embrace Your Inner Nerd are going anywhere, but the one I  would love feedback on is Before the Mask :) I'm guessing you like The Phantom of the Opera? Your sister and I talked about it a lot in class. Before the Mask is my fan fiction about the main characters and their childhoods and basically everything leading up to the beginning of the movie :) So, I would love love LOVE it if you read what I have on that story :) I need to read some of yours too! I'm always caught up on writing :P Which one of yours would you like me to read? Anyways, I'm thinking about deleting Sitting in the Sun and HTEYIN. Have a great day! :)