
Welcome to Sincere Team Champions profile. 
          	This profile undergoes hosting of contests and writing prompts.
          	The evil cronos the ruler of the galaxies have risen and plans on bringing destruction upon the Earth. 
          	The Earth needs champions who will defend and protect the planet. 
          	Who are they? 
          	Are you one of them? 
          	A great battle awaits every single person willing to save the Earth from the evil aliens. 
          	Grab your preferred weapons, Swords. Guns and get ready to save the planet!!
          	"I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."
          	Stephen King.
          	"You learn by writing short stories. Keep writing short stories. The money’s in novels, but writing short stories keeps your writing lean and pointed."
          	Larry Niven.
          	This profile is an affiliate of the Sincere Team. 
          	The Sincere team is a team of dedicated and committed wattpad authors who aspire to bring out your perfect writing skills. 
          	The Sincere Team has a vision to help unleash your full writing potentials and connect to a vast population of Wattpad audience. 
          	Our Mission Statement;
          	At Sincere Team we are grateful and privileged to be of service, connecting writers and readers globally, irrespective of their age, race, gender, religion.
          	We only recommend ideas that will benefit everyone since we love ourselves.
          	In the nearest future, we will promote your book and get them the readers it deserves. 
          	•Affiliate Profiles•
          	•Founders Of Sincere team Champions Profile•
          	What are you waiting for? Wattpad is unfair with undiscovered authors. As our name sounds, we are SINCERE!!!


Welcome to Sincere Team Champions profile. 
          This profile undergoes hosting of contests and writing prompts.
          The evil cronos the ruler of the galaxies have risen and plans on bringing destruction upon the Earth. 
          The Earth needs champions who will defend and protect the planet. 
          Who are they? 
          Are you one of them? 
          A great battle awaits every single person willing to save the Earth from the evil aliens. 
          Grab your preferred weapons, Swords. Guns and get ready to save the planet!!
          "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose."
          Stephen King.
          "You learn by writing short stories. Keep writing short stories. The money’s in novels, but writing short stories keeps your writing lean and pointed."
          Larry Niven.
          This profile is an affiliate of the Sincere Team. 
          The Sincere team is a team of dedicated and committed wattpad authors who aspire to bring out your perfect writing skills. 
          The Sincere Team has a vision to help unleash your full writing potentials and connect to a vast population of Wattpad audience. 
          Our Mission Statement;
          At Sincere Team we are grateful and privileged to be of service, connecting writers and readers globally, irrespective of their age, race, gender, religion.
          We only recommend ideas that will benefit everyone since we love ourselves.
          In the nearest future, we will promote your book and get them the readers it deserves. 
          •Affiliate Profiles•
          •Founders Of Sincere team Champions Profile•
          What are you waiting for? Wattpad is unfair with undiscovered authors. As our name sounds, we are SINCERE!!!


"The first requisite for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary." Thomas A. Edison.
          You wanna succeed right? Then you must learn to work, work, work, you don't give up when you make a little mistake.
          Giving up terminates your goals?
          So now what?
          You wanna end your life?
          It's not supposed to be an option. 
          I look up to Thomas Edison because of his desire to succeed, today we're enjoying his hard work - electric light.
          imagine it! If he gave up? 
          Always tell yourself you got the talent, Once you start believing in yourself, you're halfway to your goal. 
          Monday Princewill. 


@Freyandprincewill <3 i definitely will <3


@Cla1rkat I'm glad you loved it, Pls check out my book, Motivation, that's where you can find my quotes. 


I always thought why people make grave mistakes and then regret at the end. 
          I traced it to a single problem—not knowing the reason for your existence.
          So I'm going to ask you this question, What's the reason for your existence?
          I think if we can find out the reason for our existence we wouldn't end up in regrets. 
          I managed to figure out mine, I'm still living to make a lasting impact on the world, I'm still living to touch lives positively. 
          Are you living to end up on the streets? 
          Are you living for someone else? 
          Are you living to hurt people?
          Are you living to bully and insult others?
          Are you living to become miserable in future.
          Are you living to touch lives?
          Are you living to be a murderer? 
          Why do you exist?
          If you can figure the reason for your existence, i didn't think we'll have the problems in the world today, you wouldn't believe what others say about you, you wouldn't think of committing suicide. 
          If there's no one who cares about you, i personally do. I care about every single human even the beggars on the street. 
          I'm Monday Princewill and i just want to touch lives positively.
          Let's make the future brighter for our future generations!!!


@Cla1rkat That's great to hear. Well you're not alone. You'll make a great difference. 


@Freyandprincewill i think my reason for existence is to make others happy, to make then think, to make a difference in this world. To help othersthe way i have wanted help. My reason for existence is for my writing to impact others the way books and music has impacted me 