
Hello my darlings, I am once again here to give you all an update.
          	Yes I am alive, no I haven't forgotten about my stories nor did I give up on them. I've just been having a lot of health issues and am actually scheduled for a gastric biopty next week to figure out why I've been so sick lately.
          	Secondly, I've been dealing with a massive case of writer's block. While I have been trying to work on my stories, it has been a struggle and a half to get my mind focused on the task. Point in case, i've been trying to work on One and Feral and managed a whopping 700 words in the last 8 hours. That is a juicy 1,4 words per minute -_-
          	I thank you all for your patience with my derpy mind and I promise I will work on the stories when my brain allows me to. Rest assured that Smothered has been prepared several chapters ahead so it's still on schedule to be updated on the first of the month.
          	Thank you for your kindness and understanding <3


@ Shifting2wolf  I hope you get to figure out what is going on so you can work on your recovery!!! 
          	  Your stories are secondary to you health (body and mind), so dont worry about it and give yourself the time to recover.


You're amazing, I hope you know that. Thank you for your stories. And please get well soon 


Take good care of yourself. You come first. Wishing you speedy recovery. 


Hello my darlings, I am once again here to give you all an update.
          Yes I am alive, no I haven't forgotten about my stories nor did I give up on them. I've just been having a lot of health issues and am actually scheduled for a gastric biopty next week to figure out why I've been so sick lately.
          Secondly, I've been dealing with a massive case of writer's block. While I have been trying to work on my stories, it has been a struggle and a half to get my mind focused on the task. Point in case, i've been trying to work on One and Feral and managed a whopping 700 words in the last 8 hours. That is a juicy 1,4 words per minute -_-
          I thank you all for your patience with my derpy mind and I promise I will work on the stories when my brain allows me to. Rest assured that Smothered has been prepared several chapters ahead so it's still on schedule to be updated on the first of the month.
          Thank you for your kindness and understanding <3


@ Shifting2wolf  I hope you get to figure out what is going on so you can work on your recovery!!! 
            Your stories are secondary to you health (body and mind), so dont worry about it and give yourself the time to recover.


You're amazing, I hope you know that. Thank you for your stories. And please get well soon 


Take good care of yourself. You come first. Wishing you speedy recovery. 


Hi, I just wanted to tell you to make sure you have copies on your books, either on other platforms or other sites. I'm just worried cause some books are being taken of the platform for violations and even though all your books are above board, I don't want you to have to wake up one day to the chance one of your books are gone. I know your health is your main concern right now, so focus on that and I'm hoping that you'll better soon. I don't want to stress you, it's just another author just had one of their books deleted and were pretty torn up from the loss, when they don't even know what they wrote that got it taken down. I hope it doesn't happen to you but I'm just saying this so you may be aware that it can happen.


I was very pleasantly surprised by the update for One. Although I am reading several of your books, this is my favorite - as you are already aware.
          That said, One is probably my favorite of All the books I'm reading. It is enjoyable & it brings back memories to me too.
          I know you haven't been feeling well lately but it seems you're doing a bit better now. I'm glad to know that. I hope your health continues to be well.


It needs to just flop flipping stop. Thank you for taking what time you do but I'm glad you're taking care of yourself 


@VailedStarz Thank you as always for the lovely comments ^-^ I love writing One, makes me feel all fuzzy and cuddly at times.
            Health is flipflopping as usual, I'm just trying to write inbetween flair ups when I can


hey, I don't mean to bother you, but I'm having some trouble reading the new chapter of One. Actually, I'm just reading the book in general. every time I go to open the book, the app just kicks me out. I was wondering if you have heard of anybody else having this problem. 


@MorganRector9 Sometimes it helps removig the story and adding it back to your library. Logging off and logging back in can help as well.
            If that didn't help, lemme know and I'll contact the help desk


@MorganRector9 I just read it without any trouble 


Wattpad is increasing the age of consent in stories to 18+ (from 16) on April 15. They are also using AI for content moderation.
          Additionally, this is a good time to ensure that stories are saved somewhere outside of Wattpad. 
          Just wanted to provide this information, even if it has no direct impact.
          For more information, see or the mega-thread on the Wattpad subreddit.