
Hey guys, if you like action and war stories then you should go read 'Havoc With War' by: jabahstine


Hey Y'all
          I'm trying to get my life together. That's why I haven't been on in a long time. I understand that you guys want me to update, and i'm sorry that I haven't been able too. My mind is everywhere but where it's supposed to be.


hey y'all,
          I know y'all are probably getting really frustrated that I haven't been able to update my story's. The truth is that I'm going through a very hard time right now. It's hard to focus on updating so I'm going to be off for a while. I'm sorry. hopefully I'll be able to pull out of this soon.


Hey everyone, my mom is out of the hospital and back home. She's doing a lot better and continues to get better, but she is still very sick. For those who don't know my mom had to go to a hospital in Nebraska to help her get her crones under control. She was there for about a week and a half over Thanksgiving. 
          And a special  thanks to Csteptoe and God for being there for me through this hard time. @Csteptoe


@SheWolf1398 bless, crones is a horrible thing. I've had close family suffering from it.  I'm glad she's out of hospital.  if you still need to chat pm me.