
          	One shots; I’m going to hopefully be uploading some old one shots tonight. They will have some changes to them because I cringed at some stuff while rewriting them. Going forward chapters will most likely be longer, more story along with the spice. This may mean longer times between uploads as I unfortunately have a lot of other things that need my brain power in my life. 
          	Stand alone stories;  I think I’m going to focus on finishing one at a time, or at least finish one then I might jump between them. The first one most likely being “My Father’s Best Man” but we’ll see. 
          	Side note: for those who found me from my one shots, MFBM has quite a bit of spice if you’re just looking for that. 
          	I am still open to requests, and have a few I’m working on. Keep in mind I tend/try to write more “realistic” scenarios, where everyone involved wants to be.
          	Anyway, thanks for reading and if you have an questions feel free to message me. 


          One shots; I’m going to hopefully be uploading some old one shots tonight. They will have some changes to them because I cringed at some stuff while rewriting them. Going forward chapters will most likely be longer, more story along with the spice. This may mean longer times between uploads as I unfortunately have a lot of other things that need my brain power in my life. 
          Stand alone stories;  I think I’m going to focus on finishing one at a time, or at least finish one then I might jump between them. The first one most likely being “My Father’s Best Man” but we’ll see. 
          Side note: for those who found me from my one shots, MFBM has quite a bit of spice if you’re just looking for that. 
          I am still open to requests, and have a few I’m working on. Keep in mind I tend/try to write more “realistic” scenarios, where everyone involved wants to be.
          Anyway, thanks for reading and if you have an questions feel free to message me. 


Hi, sorry for the absence! I’ve been battling to get full access to this account, they keep saying I need to verify my email but never send the email for me to do so. So although I can see notifications and view things on the app, I haven’t been able to upload or post. I got frustrated, forgot about it for a couple months but now I’m back. 


@ ShamelesslySmutty  yayyy


Okay so great news! thanks to some amazing people who had my original “Yes Please” saved I can republish the old chapters! It won’t be right away as I have to transcribe a lot of them from screenshots but soon! Also I’ve decided to change some of them a bit. Reading them back there are changes I’d like to make and I’d like to make chapters longer in general. 


@ShamelesslySmutty when will you upload them?? 


If anyone has this saved to there library, u can still back an open the stories u have already read. At least I am able too
          Message @shamelesslySmutty’s and tell them and they will give u further instructions. The ones I sent in where and they were roommates and thief with benefits 


I will be posting the roommates one tonight! so grateful for this. and yes, if anyone has any of the others please let me know! 


I mean “yes please” story


So “Yes Please” may be gone forever, trying not to cry right now. The WattPad support won’t let me talk to an actual person, it just keeps sending me an autogenerated email then closing my support ticket as solved. The email lists several things I might have done to get my story taken down but they don’t know, but if i did do any of those things then I can’t have my work back. But I didn’t receive any emails or anything to say that I broke any guidelines or anything so I am extremely confused and frustrated. 
          I am extremely dumb, devastated, and sorry that I can’t reupload any of it as I didn’t save it anywhere else. I know, idiot me. I can’t say whether or not I will attempt to rewrite it, I want to, but words can’t describe how defeated and sad I am. 


@ShamelesslySmutty H! I still saved it on my librar, how do I message you?