
The Children of Zero book is now edited to match the Space Battles version. If you’ve read/listened to worm, it’s still early on in the story, so give it a try if you like it, I need additional feed back


So, I'm posting on Space Battles (currently just Children of Zero, renamed "Zero gang's intervention" with a minor rewrite to it. I will go back and Update the story on here, before updating it on here.
          I am having fun with the story, I don't know if it's the dopamine talking or the general Multicharacter POV chapters and or just my brain finally having fun with a super hero fan-fiction.


Who your favourite character in Worm?


@JGKpersonOK12 overall it would Regent/Alec, a bit under development character or Bitch/Rachel, who is more developed. The Undersiders in general personality traits were like my friend group in school.
            Favorite villain: honestly Coil, always had fun trying to think what his next step was
            Favorite hero: Arms Master/ Defiant, sadly relate in anti-social and need to do things on my own.


I had a story idea.....based on Parahumans (it fits that niche in my mind that gives me lots of happy brain juices)
          The Ward (basically heroes below 18) and the Undersiders (main character's  team) are transported into the Geonosisian arena during when the Jedi rescue Anakin, Obi-wan and Padme.
          For context, it's the Pre-Leviathan versions of the teams
          Aegis: (Flight and Adaptive biology)
          Vista: (Distance manipulation)
          ClockBlocker: (Freezing things in space and time)
          Gallant: (Emotional manipulation beams)
          Kid Win: (Inventor)
          BrowBeat: (Biomanipulation and very minor telekinesis)
          Shadow Stalker: (Movement enhancement through shadow form)
          Skitter (Bug control)
          Grue (Sensory deprivation Darkness Generation)
          Tattletale (info gatherer)
          Regent (Neural spasms/manipulation)
          Hellhound (Enhancement of canines size, strength, speed and other factors)
          I don't know how I would have them continue beyond the initial stages of the Clone Wars, but I think it would be a fun story to write.


@Shadow_trooper never heard of parahumans so I have no context but throwing people into the clone wars that sounds fun


So……I might be depressed, or it took nearly a year and excessive stress lead to my mental resilience to be broke down and that lingering feeling of helplessness has come about… all started with me writing a character who is mildly suicidal…..and I felt it was way too close to how I am feeling once I wrote it.
          I am concerned now. I’m also a bit……idk, feeling as if I am very, very mentally lost.


@Shadow_trooper I hope that things get better for you soon. Your Star Wars Storyteller has brought great entertainment and joy to me since I started reading it a year ago.


@Shadow_trooper Sometimes i feel sometimes depressed, when i hear some of my friends on discord are being a targets from cyberbullies. And there is information that Wattpad is managment is doing something wrong .


@Shadow_trooper we are all mentally lost but we must find a burning flame to guide us in these dark times and these dangerous crossroads, the stars shall guide us back to our lost paths


Made a Worm Fanfic, latest chapter of the Chapter Testing Ground. Comment what you think of it, I might actually continue it more, just cause I got more ideas with it


@Shadow_trooper can you add my new discord I sent you a friend request 


@DSanchez876 worm is the first book of a super hero series known as Parahuman made in the early 2010’s where we follow a girl named Taylor and see her powers grow 
            We get glimpses from other characters POVs. Narrative wise it’s a good story, accessible on YouTube with human narrators, and the world building is logical (not too many heroes per area, but diverse enough in ways you wouldn’t imagine some power usage


Ok, so I am going to be going on a general writing Hiatus for the next few months (I'll still update on occasion, but it will be more sparce on what get's updated, maybe a few stories a month) This is to have me focus on my classes for college. 
          Expect it to be May when i get back into writing properly again. I hope you can all understand, I'm also going to bump of the lengths from averaging 1000 to 1500 words after this, longer content in general for a better over all quality of what I am making.