
Hey all, it's been a while. Been very busy from work.
          	Days are Gone will undergo another massive editing for all chapters. I was reading it and noticed a lot of... you know what I mean.
          	Anyway, once done I'll continue on posting updates for the second book that's been placed on-hold for quite some time.
          	I'll keep you guys posted.
          	- Seth


Hey all, it's been a while. Been very busy from work.
          Days are Gone will undergo another massive editing for all chapters. I was reading it and noticed a lot of... you know what I mean.
          Anyway, once done I'll continue on posting updates for the second book that's been placed on-hold for quite some time.
          I'll keep you guys posted.
          - Seth


I started reading your work recently, and I must say that its good. Keep up the good work. As I'm currently writing a zombie novel too, it feels good to see authors bring their own twists and turns to the zombie and dark fantasy genre. Keep up the good work. 


@mikemorningstar1 Hola! I'm glad that you enjoyed Days are Gone. Thanks for the support! I really appreciate it.
            I see that you're also writing your own Zombie Novel. I'll be checking it out and add it to my library. Again, thank you for the support. Cheers!


So, yeah. The second book of Days are Gone has begun. With Chapter 0 and Chapter 1 to spice things up.
          Schedule? I will publish a chapter once every two weeks.
          YES I KNOW THAT IT SHOULD BE ONCE A WEEK. But please bear with me since I'm working, and I spend most of my day off sleeping. (I work the night shift sooo- I really need to get those extra sleepies)
          I'll keep you guys posted. Until then-


          Just like what I did in the first book, I will be doing a massive editing for Days are Gone(2). Therefore the book will undergo republishing.
          It means I will unpublish it for a while, and then I'll post the chapters one at a time.
          I'll keep you guys updated 


Hola! So I've made up my mind. 
          - - -
          The first book of Days are Gone will undergo republishing.
          Starting Saturday - January 14, 2023 - 8:00 PM EST
          What I mean is all chapters will be drafted, and then republished one by one as soon as I'm done proofreading it.
          There will be NO major changes in the story line/plot. I'll be just editing some grammars and punctuations, etc. (Doing this for the sake of future readers)
          Also, the sequel for Days are Gone is currently on-hold with 4 main chapters, with Chapter 0 as its prologue. Chapter 5 will be published as soon as I finished republishing the first book. 
          Once again, I apologize for the long hiatus. I'm looking forward on finishing the edits within a week or two, so I could focus on the sequel. Cross fingers!
          I'll keep you guys posted! See you on the flip side~
          -Seth Balondo