
I love this so much! This is so well written and just pure amazing so much so I would pull my first all nighter ever if it’s ever finished. Thank you soooooo so so much for making this masterpiece  and I hope to see more some point  (seeing that is if I don’t stop simping for this bonehead) I will read it and keep it as one of my favorites for ever. Xeldalily~


Hi! As someone who has probably read this story close to four or five times already, I just want to let you know just how amazing this fic truly is. Your writing is just.. *chefs kiss*. You are so incredibly talented! I write a couple of things myself here and there, and your writing ability is the level I desire to be at. Each time I reread this, I can't put it down, and I think that definitely says a lot about the author. Anyeho, I hope that you are doing well, and that's all I really want to say! Thanks for the happiness you bring through your words!


Man, is this another amazing story writer with an unfinished book? It sucks that all the good ones have such busy lives. Sebbs, your story is absolutely amazing and brings genuine feelings when reading it. You have an amazing skill. And if you ever come back to wattpad and finish your book, that would be pretty awesome. But if not it's understandable. 


Hi, I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your book!!
          I've been binge reading it for the past few days and this may sound cheesy but it changed my life. Hear me out: I always loved reading but I've developed some serious concentration issues in the past few years. I couldn't read anything no matter how hard I tried. For Nostalgia's sake I wanted to read a sans fan fiction and when I came across your book I was blown away.
          It's so well written, that even the simplest of scenarios, were described in such an interesting way. I never got bored and everything is just so exiting. Finding this gem literally felt like Christmas. Every chapter ends a page turner and for once in my life, I enjoyed reading author's notes.
          I know that you have been busy in the past few months and I hope that you're doing well. I'm just praying to the wattpad God's that this story isn't abandoned. Please don't think that I'm pressuring you or anything. Your well-being comes first or foremost and I want you to take your sweet time. I just hope that you'll continue this story one day. It doesn't matter if the next chapter comes out tomorrow or in a year. I'll wait as long as I have to because this story is truly a treasure. I wish I could support you more. If you had a patreon I would definitely donate.
          Wheew, this was quite long. This I just an appreciation post, ig. @SebbyBear I wish you all the best in your future endeavors❤️‍


i love you book i am nearly done but i love it. i love that you did the book and had the monsters hove there own way to produce so thankyou for this book that you wrote. i hope you are doing well and may you have a nice healthy life - a fellow sans lover


@mynamcadet your welcome and I can wait =) have a fun autumn or spring (it is one of them since I do not know what hemistphere your in since I am in autumn now) 


@mynamcadet Thanks very much!  I'm glad you like the story.  My life is pretty good and reasonably healthy, but very busy!  ^.^;  The next chapter is still in the works, and I hope to have more time to write again soon, so with a little luck, Sans and Checkers will be able to resume their story next month.  (I can't say for sure, though; please try to be patient with me!  =^.^=)  Thanks again for your kind words!


SebbyBear. Omgosh. You have single-handedly wrote my favourite fanfiction ever. I have read this story *well* over 10 times. I read this when I am in the car, at school, and mostly when a storm cuts out the power. I remember during a tornado last I read this . I am so invested in this story and your way of writing just makes it all so much better, because you have an amazing sense of humor, and every little detail just makes it that much more worth it to re-read it. I hope you are doing well, and I can not wait for the next update! Take your time of course, no pressure, take care of yourself and treat yourself because you deserve it<3


@FoxInABoxLIVE  Thank you so much!  I'm sorry my updates are taking so very, very, veeeerrryyy long! I've got so much IRL stuff going on that I'm just writing only a tiny bit at a time.  The fic has had to go on the back burner several times in the past couple of years while I try to sort stuff out, but I promise I'm still working on it!  I'm really glad you're enjoying it, and I'll try to keep the quality high for you!  =^.^=


Okay this is for you. Read this message until the end it's adorable. I sent an Angel to watch over you last night but it came back. When I asked why, the angel said: Angels don't watch over other angels." Twenty angels are on this weekend ten are sleeping nine are playing and one is reading this message God has seen you struggling with some things and God says:" It's over." A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God send this to 14 friends, including me. If I don't get it back guess I'm not one of them.As soon as you get five replies someone you love will suprise you. Not joking. Pass this message on. Please don't ignore it. You are being tested and God is going to fix two big things tonight in your favor.If you believe in
          God,drop everything and pass it on. TOMORROW will be the best day of your life. DONT BREAK THIS CHAIN. SEND THIS TO 14 FRIENDS IN TEN MINUTES. ITS NOT THAT HARD. No group chats. I LOVE U