
I am SO sorry to you guys for the long wait, and I am happy to say that as of today Avatar: Book One: Water is no longer on hold!


@EHerz33 Yes, I absolutely plan to. I'm so glad you like it!


Hey, I know it is kinda old but I might give your Belle-books a shot one day. I have a very similar TUC AU actually, with a similar OC (except she is Gregor's older sister). Currently occupied with my Henry-fics, but I might write it out as well someday.
          Good to see these books get the love they deserve.


But it doesn't matter with the name thing. I can just use belle if you like but the name isn't so commen in holland


If you'd like to translate the story so your friends can read it, I suppose that would be all right. But I'd like you to leave the story as it is and credit me, or you could send it to me and I'll publish it for you. On the other hand, if you're writing a completely different story of your own, go right ahead.


Hi belle i wonderd if i could do a belle the underlander series in dutch with about the same story line but with my name? If you dont mind but some of my friends want to read your series but cant understand english and they alteady read the gregor books in dutch sooo answer me please


Do you mean you would like to translate the series into Dutch, or write another story completely?