
A very exciting and long awaited chapter of Speak was just posted! Go ahead on over and check it out. I can't believe all the extremely recent attention and feedback the story had gotten. I appreciate it so much!


44k reads for Speak is kind of a whole new type of amazing. The updates are completely sporadic, I know, but I find myself short on time whenever I go to write something. 
          Yesterday I edited chapters 1-4 again! I'm going to continue to edit chapters in hopes of maturing the book just a little bit more. 
          Thanks for hanging in there,


I just published another poetry book! It's pretty exciting and so therefore I am pretty excited about it. I don't know why but it's just written so much more maturely than anything else I've published on here, so be sure to check it out!


Hello my loves! The newest chapter of Speak is up, which is very very exciting. It's a pretty earth shattering chapter so I suggest you read up and then beg for more very quickly haha. 
          I'm so happy with the increasing amount of reads Speak has gained, even with my inconsistency. It means a hella lot. Thank you guys so much!