
I have finally finished Chapter 2, took a while because of work and school. But I also managed to make an FanFiction.Net and Archives of our Own account. Once I finish rewriting the prologue for MGO, I will also post my works on all three websites: Wattpad, FanFiction.Net and AO3. I will also be posting some other stuffs too, but for now I will be going back to working on MGO and several other fics. After that, I will also make a Spider-Man/Percy Jackson fanfic trilogy later on, based on all three Spider-Man move series. 


Everything ok?


@_nameless_a trust me, I get it. I had a fanfic story I liked until it suddenly disappeared, along with the writer. I miss it to this day. You're good :)


That’s okay! I didn’t mean to send this message as like asking to hurry up but I tend to worry about others so I wanted to know


            Yeah, I'm good. Was out on family vacation and still waiting on my friend. In the meantime, I'm working on the next chapter so hopefully I'll probably have to post 2 chapters at once. XD
            That's just how it is, real-life keeps us both busy.


I can’t wait for the next chapter!!! I wanna see Percy reaction to Estelle


Idk why but I imagine like Estelle and Sam together :) they would be so cute together


@_nameless_a I don't. Don't really use TikTok.


Do you perhaps have tik tok?


Hey! I just finished reading the story of Estelle and I can say that is awesome! I wanted to ask if you would continue it but please do not take this comment as a immediate request and take your time


@_nameless_a sure! I would love to hear some ideas! I already planned out the trilogy, but I am planning a series of short stories afterwards. Similar to that of 90's Spiderman tv show. I believe it's called an anthology, a collection of short stories.


I did even like a thing for the book and I have so many ideas I would so love to share with you! 


I have finally finished Chapter 2, took a while because of work and school. But I also managed to make an FanFiction.Net and Archives of our Own account. Once I finish rewriting the prologue for MGO, I will also post my works on all three websites: Wattpad, FanFiction.Net and AO3. I will also be posting some other stuffs too, but for now I will be going back to working on MGO and several other fics. After that, I will also make a Spider-Man/Percy Jackson fanfic trilogy later on, based on all three Spider-Man move series. 


I have returned! And with a new story that’s part of my Metal Gear Omega fanfic series. I managed to make a proper plot-line for my stories and will continue to write. Life been crazy these couple of years but things are finally going good for me, so I’m settled enough to get back to my passion, writing. My first duty is to rewrite the prologue of Metal Gear Omega more properly. Then I will continue writing the sequel as well as some rewrites to make it more accurate. 
          I’m happy that my first fanfic has gotten a lot of views and will continue to write more fun stories in the future. 


First step I’m gonna do is rewrite the prologue to my first series, Metal Gear Omega. I wanted to make the beginning more intense and interesting. I already rewrote the prologue so I’m gonna rewrite the rest of it. I don’t mean the whole story, just the first 4-5 chapters.


Hey everyone. So lots of things been happening this years, mostly bad things worldwide. But, for me, I'm doing well. In fact, family and I are getting a house soon so I've been working hard irl to help out with the family. I'm gonna be a lot more busy this year, but do not worry. I did not forget you all here. I'm gonna be doing some editing on my old story, Metal Gear Omega as well as it's sequel. After finishing SAO, I'm gonna do some editing to link SAO to MGS. As for my Elsword Fanfic, I'll need to rewatch Fullmetal Alchemist for some referencing. 
          For those that are also an Elsword fan, I've also became a Guild leader to my guild, and so I've been increasing morale and making it a safe haven for new and old players. If you ever wish to join, look up Blades of Olympus. 
          anyways, first thing I'm gonna do is do some editing on Metal Gear Omega. mostly the first couple of chapters and then it's good.


Hello everyone, it's been a while. I know I've gone quiet for a long time and I'm sorry about that. These couple of years has actually been busy, both good and bad. But after everything that happened, I know what I want to do. And so, in this new century, I will be returning to continue working on my current stories as well make another new one.
          It's a Star Wars fanfic, but It's something that I want to do ever since I saw Rise of Skywalker. I know most of you have some issue with sequels, but I loved it; I love all of Star Wars and I want to see more in the future. 
          I'll do my best to update once a month for all my stories since I'll be very busy; but know I still love to write stories and will continue here on Wattpad. 