
Hi guys! Sorry for being so MIA!
          	I‘m currently writing my master thesis and wrapping up my degree, ever since February it has been terribly busy for me, as you surely noticed from the lack of updates! Exams, internships, tutoring, etc were quite time consuming.
          	The next two weeks I won‘t be able to write much, however around the end of August I will update my stories again, then again after I did my Master‘s exam! So around the middle of September-ish! From then on, I think I can update much more often 
          	Concerning The CEO‘s Wife: I‘ve also been doing a lot of reading when I did have the time because I wanted to write better in general + needed the inspo for a healthy, loving couple. You can look forward to that! 
          	As for the Awakening, I‘m kinda torn what I want to do. I‘ve initially planned to wrap up the first book soon, with a few more chapters, because I want to start the second book with a more badass Helene, one that breaks out of her shell. But I kinda wanna rewrite the story a bit? We shall see what the future holds :)
          	I also know I put my other two stories on hold, and I do want to pick them back up, I just need to do more research on them. I always knew how Elise‘s story will end, I just need to brainstorm my way to the ending, just like with Luminya‘s story, but I also need to do some research here, since I don‘t have a clue how to write war scenes and such.
          	Thank you for sticking around and reading my stories, it means the world to me 
          	- Saaraaaxy


Hi guys! Sorry for being so MIA!
          I‘m currently writing my master thesis and wrapping up my degree, ever since February it has been terribly busy for me, as you surely noticed from the lack of updates! Exams, internships, tutoring, etc were quite time consuming.
          The next two weeks I won‘t be able to write much, however around the end of August I will update my stories again, then again after I did my Master‘s exam! So around the middle of September-ish! From then on, I think I can update much more often 
          Concerning The CEO‘s Wife: I‘ve also been doing a lot of reading when I did have the time because I wanted to write better in general + needed the inspo for a healthy, loving couple. You can look forward to that! 
          As for the Awakening, I‘m kinda torn what I want to do. I‘ve initially planned to wrap up the first book soon, with a few more chapters, because I want to start the second book with a more badass Helene, one that breaks out of her shell. But I kinda wanna rewrite the story a bit? We shall see what the future holds :)
          I also know I put my other two stories on hold, and I do want to pick them back up, I just need to do more research on them. I always knew how Elise‘s story will end, I just need to brainstorm my way to the ending, just like with Luminya‘s story, but I also need to do some research here, since I don‘t have a clue how to write war scenes and such.
          Thank you for sticking around and reading my stories, it means the world to me 
          - Saaraaaxy


Hiii. How’s it going? You haven’t updated in months. Is everything okay?


@ Yourfavlina  oooh thank you for your kind words! ❤ I'll make sure to return the moment I can and to write a good story everybody will love, thank you!


Hii! I’m doing okay with school and all. And I completely understand. Your story is amazing and so is the plot! You’ve come a long way just to give up. But take your time and think everything threw love!


@ Yourfavlina  hiii! Currently really stressed, how are you? I wanted to post an update regarding the stories, I fell into a writing slump and I don't think my stories are good anymore, I need some time to gather my thoughts, do some research, to read more, correct my stories and I have to balance uni on top of it all as well ... I don't think  I'll manage to update the stories this month, I might add a few extra chapters to try and make them better, but we will see.. The latest I will uopdate should be during winter break next month 


Will you update this month?


@ Yourfavlina  thank you so much dear! I think this book might take a while since it just started and I do have a lot of stories I want to tell (of Michael, more development for Sara, the twins, Leon, Rebecca, etc.) and I also need to plan if I will write more books in the future (about the lives of the children eg) :) so I cannot really say when I will finish, especially with my last year of uni ahead of me 


Oh okay! No stress boo. I hope anything that was stressful works out for you love. But I do have a question? When do you think your book will finish? This book. 


@ Yourfavlina  yes I will  sry the past two months were a bit stressful but I promise I will update again!