
          Thank you so much for being the amazing support that you are!!
          Nobody has ever showered my writing with as many compliments as you have!
          I love that you see the character development in Flora and didn't immediately dismiss her as a weak girl who'll always be weak!
          I loved your reactions and that you let me know how the writings made you feel!
          Thank you so much for being this amazing and for pushing my book forward with your cute comments and strong votes ^.^
          Have a great day, and go ahead and have a great year too! 


            P.S. I am writing a follow up spin-off story for Sienna and Cole and I would love it if you gave that story a shot! Have a great day!


@rova_thive aw thank you for your kind words. I loved your story and I wanted to make sure that you got the appreciation you deserved. You're amazing and have an amazing gift/talent! I wanted to make sure you knew that. Thank you for being you