Author of paranormal erotic romance by night, and an educator by day. Started my writing career as a reporter in Boston at 17 | Never, never give up.
Sleep when you're dead. Never Grow Old, Never Die.

became a reporter in my senior year of High School and have been published in newspapers, national magazines, and trade journals. I still write freelance articles now and then but most of my time is spent writing about elves, aliens, green men, vampires and archangels. While I love living in the Southwest, I like adventure and am moving to Germany in 2018 to pursue a Masters and PhD, and to teach. I've loved living in Arizona. The Sonoran desert is nothing like I expected and I love having warm, dry weather year round, but snow only 30 minutes away on the mountains.

My current releases are sexy ebook novelettes, available now at Amazon, B&N, Kobo, Diesl & Smashwords for eReaders, phones tablets. My next release, an erotic collection of Hero stories and those who owe them a "proper thank you" will begin releasing in early 2017.
  • Tucson, Arizona
  • JoinedNovember 6, 2016