
Hello everyone! It's RoseSparks207 here as I've unpublished my first two TKOT books for the sole purpose that I'm doing the reboot now! I'm unsure when exactly I'll put it up but I'll try my best to put it up sooner or later! Have a good day/night!


Hello everyone! It's RoseSparks207 here as I've unpublished my first two TKOT books for the sole purpose that I'm doing the reboot now! I'm unsure when exactly I'll put it up but I'll try my best to put it up sooner or later! Have a good day/night!


Writing Updates:
          Hey everyone! It’s WolfRose207, long time no see huh? (Blame my Summer being busy as well Grade 12... I’m surviving though!) Okay, so time for a explanation if you guys noticed ‘WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO THE WOLF SECRET AND I BELIEVE IN FROST?’ Well, there’s a couple reasons why.
          1. Well TWS and IBIF are my most popular works even they are completely utter garbage looking back at them now, well okay maybe not but in my head, it just makes me cringe.
          2. I just couldn’t stand how much attention they received.
          You see I made these works when I was like... 13-14, and well I was going through a phase of writing stories based on things that already exist. That’s why TWS was almost like a complete carbon copy of Wolf Children but I changed it up a little but it was still a solid copy of it than being unique and different. The same as ROTG, I’ve seen that plot line before and I in a way followed the crowd.


But I learned the harsh way that if I ever wanted to make a career in writing, I must make up my own works, my own characters, and so on and so forth. It was a long process to try to come up with a unique concept, and I did. My new story TKOT I made when I was 15 and I completed when I was at least nearly 18, it was hard to make up my own unique ideas and think outside my comfort zone: such as murder, gore and swearing. It was hard but I completed it, it’s by far my most favourite work and I still work on it today. Book 2 to be more exact, sure I don’t update it much but life and stuff gets in the way or I just am still working on the chapter and I just try to make it close to long as possible to make up for it.
            That’s why I removed both TWS and IBIF from my Wattpad account because I’m not exactly proud of them now and as I’ve stated, I learned the real world will not accept fanfiction basically. Though TWS and IBIF isn’t totally gone, I’m currently working on a remake of TWS with my friend LittleDramaFoxx/pokemondramagirl and IBIF is gonna be remade by my wonderful boyfriend Norcol8ElswordLover, don’t worry, I’ll try to get TWS remake out sometime maybe in about.. Well I won’t give myself a deadline but all I’ll say is I’ll try to get it out soon as possible alongside TKOT Book 2: The Scattered Truth.
            If you do decide to check it out, I’m sure you’ll be amazed as it’s an old story idea I was gonna do a long time ago but lost it all but now it’s recovered. Thanks so much for following me and I really hope it can continue in the future.


Hey there! We're Collaboratively, a collaborative Wattpad group. We write stories, run shops and work together. Recently, we've been thinking of changing ourselves up a bit, spice things up - It doesn't have to be the New Year to start changing yourself!
          One of our important changes is our image. We are trying to improve our image and hopefully gain more attention for our work. We hope to be as successful as can be, and we're starting by changing what people think of us - starting with our image. So here's a question: Do you think you can help us? 
          We are having a logo contest on About The Authors, a book filled with author interviews, contests and amazing work by our fellow talented Wattpaders! If you would like to help out, please participate! For details, please check out About The Authors for the chance of winning prizes and such.
          Please take a look at our account too! Our talented members will be thrilled to have a chamce to talk to you and answer your questions. Below is a link to About The Authors. Thanks for your time!
          The Small But Mighty Team Of Collaboratively 


Hello there!
          We have started a meme contest/giveaway, and each meme received will get a free banner for any book in return! 
          The giveaway/contest ends on July 1st, and your giveaway gift(s) will be uploaded on a new book entitled 'Giveaways'. If you would like to check out more details about the giveaway/contest, feel free to click the link below that will bring you to 'About The Authors', a book filled with interesting author interviews, contests and such...

          We'd love it if you'd participate! For further enquiries, just PM our members. They're always on hand to help out.
          The Small But Mighty Team Of Collaboratively 


Hello! We're Collaboratively, a collaborative Wattpad group. We write stories, run cover and banner businesses together. Just recently, we started a poetry contest. Please check out About The Authors, which is full of interesting content that ranges from contests to interviews with famous Wattpad authors like @HermyneKhaling and @Crazygirrrrl.
          We know we're not the most popular group on Wattpad, but we'd love it if you decided to check out our contest! There'll be prizes for winning, so please try your hand at poetry for us. Thanks for your time! 
          The Small But Mighty Team Of Collaboratively 
          Here's the link to About The Authors -


@WolfRose207 We proud of you, gal :)


Thanks! So am I! I honestly was concerned that I wouldn’t make it, but of course in the end I did! It’s in a way a prequel to my current book series The Knight of Thunder if you want to check it out! It’s on my Wattpad right now with Book 2’s first four chapters coming soon :D


Will u be write the rose and the angel on this?


K just had to ask 


@danika11pikachu Maybe so, but it entirely depends because I'm currently on a list of what books I want to write and the first one is already on here on Wattpad which is The Knight of Thunder.