
Hello Wattpad! I have some very unfortunate news. There has been some very disappointing news in my family regarding a certain family and I just… I don't know how these next couple of months are going to be for me. Therefore, I am sad to inform you guys that I will be taking a break from Wattpad for a few months. I completely understand if you guys want to unfollow me, but I hope that you refrain from doing so because when I come back, I will be a much better writer and will be able to better devote myself to my writing. I just feel as though if I continue with everything that is going on, I am only going to disappoint you guys and I do not want that. I will be leaving Coming Home up for you guys but when I do come back, I will either completely take it down and put up a different story, or take it down and rewrite it chapter by chapter. But you guys should expect me back within 2-3 months. Definitely by June. In this time, I will work on rewriting Coming Home and writing a new story that I have a new found passion for, Midnight Kiss. I fully expect some followers to unfollow me, but I do ask that you try not to because I want to finish a story for you guys. Thank you for listening to this rant. I know it has been long but I appreciate those of you who have read it. Much love. Orly