
So. As you can see, I didn't continue like I said I was. I ended up very ill among other things and was unable to continue. I have returned now tho, and will be keeping my promise. Thank you for your patience and support to all my followers and readers!


So. As you can see, I didn't continue like I said I was. I ended up very ill among other things and was unable to continue. I have returned now tho, and will be keeping my promise. Thank you for your patience and support to all my followers and readers!


HELLO MY DARLINGS! I've returned from the depths of Hades and will now continue the works i left in the dark and uncontinued or finished for the last long while! I have been dealing with a lot of school stuff and moving between states and will finally be graduating and fully settling in! Which means i can now continue my work here! Hope you guys enjoy the upcoming updates! :D


The Lake  ( dbz yaoi) I enjoy reading this story cause it interesting story and I like Goku and Vegeta as a couple I hope you will continue writing it  and I look forward to your next updates ♡♡


@ConnieJoao thank you and I do plan on continuing it. im just have a small writers block that im currently getting out of. I hope to update soon!