
Regan: I just had an apostrophe!
          	Taylor: I think you mean an epiphany. 
          	Regan: Like lightning just struck my brain.
          	Taylor: Why are we quoting the movie, Hook?
          	Regan: I just had an idea! It might fill in a hole and make Clone Earth Melvin run smoother. I wonder if it will work ....
          	Taylor: (dead-pan voice) huzzah.
          	Regan ...
          	Taylor: ...
          	Regan: You can finish the quote now.
          	Taylor: ... That must have hurt.
          	Regan:  Feel better?
          	Taylor: YIP!


Regan: I just had an apostrophe!
          Taylor: I think you mean an epiphany. 
          Regan: Like lightning just struck my brain.
          Taylor: Why are we quoting the movie, Hook?
          Regan: I just had an idea! It might fill in a hole and make Clone Earth Melvin run smoother. I wonder if it will work ....
          Taylor: (dead-pan voice) huzzah.
          Regan ...
          Taylor: ...
          Regan: You can finish the quote now.
          Taylor: ... That must have hurt.
          Regan:  Feel better?
          Taylor: YIP!


Dear Nanowrimo, As I frantically focus on writing I have discovered something new about myself and this stage of life. I have two elementary school age children, and it seems my writing, vocabulary and writing patterns have reverted back to their level of education. I look forward to them growing up for many reasons but right now I look forward to someday returning to my college educated level of writing. But that's going to take a few years.


My son handed me a physical book today that his teacher let him borrow. He read the back of it and thought it was a book I would like. And he was right. Mystery book, right up my alley. But what caught my eye was the WATTPAD logo printed on the back and again on the title page. I think that was the first printed Wattpad Novel that I'd ever seen. And it made me smile.




@Cool05guy2000 well, 05 is the month of may and 2000 is the year I was born


@Cool05guy2000 I have an odd question, but I often inquire about the significance of name creations. Does the 05 and the 2000 hold some significance to your cool guy status or were they just convenient numbers?


@Cool05guy2000 I'm fine, sorry I was asleep


Procrastination is a silly thing that often brings me sorrow.
          I can quit at anytime ...
          I think I'll quit tomorrow.
          Probably not the best poem to model my life after but I'm really feeling it right now. Instead of focusing on book two my Tainted Series, instead my brain really just wanted to write Trinity's Back story.... not surprised this backstory existed in my mind since the days I sat in my high school history class unable to focus on, well, history. So that's my excuse. I will eventually get to book two but as I procrastinate, I'll write and post her back stories from hundreds of years ago. Not as flashbacks, not as inserts, but as their own collection of short stories. 
          Maybe that will help. Maybe it will make things worse, but as I said,
          I can quit at anytime...
          I think I'll quit tomorrow.


I woke up and I realized it was November. Even worse, November is almost over and I hadn't looked up from my everyday routine to remember what makes November special.  Nanowrimo. I've succeeded before and I loved it. I was determined to do it again but this year, having experienced loss the way I did, I failed to have the heart. I didn't even recognize the month. 
          Blessed Be for Thanksgiving. 
          It forced me to look up from the everyday drivel and has given me a few blocks of time between traditions to write. 
          I will not succeed at 50,000 words. 
          But I can succeed at something.....