
Do any of you read on Kindle Vella? Or write there? Looking for insight. How easy is it to use? Do you find things you like to read easily? How often do people update? That kind of thing. I need to know for science.


Yeah so, I know I don't use this platform like I used to (2 years of writers block, just about), but I DID use it for DMs occasionally. I used it last week. When I popped on this morning to see if there was a reply in a conversation... imagine my surprise! This is a bad move that I'm sure has upset a lot of people. I can't fathom that "only a small percentage of users" engaged in DMs! This site is how I met my best friend! I talked to other authors here! Just really sad and disappointed. Hope you're all well.


@kiabsn it's a good idea! I'll have to remember my username there haha


I think a lot of people are going to use discord instead for DMs. I’ve seen several add their account names to their profile here 


I've been completely hyperfixated on a new story I hammered out this week. It'll be posted soon. A short story with short chapters, but it was fun to write! MCR (my favorite band of all time) touring again has awoken something in me, and I went down a Frerard rabbit hole. Wound up writing my own. Just need to get it proofread and decide on chapters, get a cover made, and it'll be here! Look for "Fever" just as soon as I get my act together!


Happy Pride! Usually, my Pride messages are a lot longer than this one is going to be. I typically have something to say. But this year I'm feeling a little deflated. A family member told me that LGBTQIA+ people "aren't normal," and "it's not natural," and I thought he would be one of the ones I could count on. I hope you all have safe spaces to run to. Pride was a riot. And I want to rage. Love to you all.


@MadameTango thank you so much, Tango. I love you! 


@RedWritingHood09 ps look up a woman called Penny Wong - Australian politician.


I have news! I know this will be met with mixed reactions- I've been invited to be a part of the Wattpad paid stories program. This means a few things- one, after June, Ready will be free to read for the first few chapters, and then the rest of the story will be behind a paywall. This is the part that I had some trepidation about, because I don’t want to make it inaccessible to new readers, and I don’t want our repeat readers (I know you’re out there, I know who you are, and THANKS) to feel cut off from the book.
          It also means that I've reached one of my lifelong goals- to be a PAID WRITER! I’ve been dreaming of supplementing my income through writing since my parents bought me my first (plastic) typewriter when I was a kid, and possibly even publishing a novel since they decided I was mature enough to handle a real typewriter. This is the right step for me.
           I know what you're asking. “What about Frank?” The truth of the matter is, he’s ALWAYS encouraged me to seek something MORE for Ready ever since 2016. And he’s never wanted any part of that. He’s always made it very clear that he considers the book to be our baby, but one I gave birth to and did most of the work of raising and nurturing. He wants the best for me and the book. He’s always hoped that one day, I could help myself out through writing. Full credit to him from me, though. He’s an astoundingly talented writer, and the inspiration behind Theo. I never would have gotten the whole book finished if it weren’t for his contributions (which were many), and I’ll forever owe him.
          At any rate, I’M SO EXCITED and I’m hopeful that you’ll be understanding of my decision. I also need to give credit to you, the readers who’ve loved the story so well. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I owe so much of this to you as well.


@Nyhterides thanks so much! I'm thrilled!


@MadameTango thank you! I've been dying to tell you, actually!