
Hey guys!
          	I've changed up a chapter in This Shattered Place. It's the Baby Chapter. The short chapter that made no sense to the plot. Well now it's longer, and it has more meaning. (So much so that I had to change a little of the Huntsman chapter to reference the events in the Baby chapter.)
          	On another note, would you guys rather I focused on one of my novels and finish it, then start working on the other, or do you want me to continue tag-team writing (aka writing a little in one, then a little in the other)? 


Hey guys!
          I've changed up a chapter in This Shattered Place. It's the Baby Chapter. The short chapter that made no sense to the plot. Well now it's longer, and it has more meaning. (So much so that I had to change a little of the Huntsman chapter to reference the events in the Baby chapter.)
          On another note, would you guys rather I focused on one of my novels and finish it, then start working on the other, or do you want me to continue tag-team writing (aka writing a little in one, then a little in the other)? 


Hi guys! Summer is upon us, which means I now have free time! So be prepared for some updates in the near future... hopefully.
          Sorry for the chapter delays, I'll try to remedy that soon.
          On an even more positive note, I just published 2 chapters of what remains. Hope you guys enjoy!!!
          Thanks for sticking with me through the times with no updates!
          Red Enigma


Also you know it's been awhile when you have 1.2K notifications....


Glad to see you are back! Will you be uploading  more of your book? 


            Thanks! I hope you enjoy it!


Ok, I only read your mermaid one, will have to check out your other book! 


            That's the plan, but I'm trying to figure out what direction I want them to go in. Also one of my two books is going to have a very different ending then I had originally planned. Anyway hopefully I'll have new chapters up in the near future.
            Thanks for your patience!


Redenigma pls read my paranormal romance novel called immortal obsession


            I'm a little behind on my reading currently, but when my reading clears, I'll give it a shot. And just as a forewarning: I'm not a super big fan of paranormal novels.
            Thanks for the read request though!


Brief Plan as of now
          I'm catching up on some wattpad reading... (I know I've neglected some incredible stories) 
          Then I'll tackle This Shattered Place
          And after that I'll finish What Remains
          Then on to book 2 of This Shattered Place 
          I don't know when I'll get to these things, but hopefully my hiatus/account on hold status will be ending.
          Thanks for your patience!


            Yep ;) I'm rediscovering stories that I had forgotten were on my currently reading list, it's great!
            Yeah Hunter is an interesting enigma, so to speak ;), he almost stole Logan's spotlight in Logan's story...
            Ok he did still the spotlight (haha) but now he has a whole group of people competing for the spotlight in his novel so it evens out ;)


@RedEnigma haha yeah. I'd really struggle if I took a break since I've got about fifty stories on the go in my library  It was awesome so no worries. I'll have a look through them in the morning. I couldn't help myself, it had to be Hunter next  


            It's good to be back, now I just have to rediscover the plots of my stories
            Yeah I sort of blew up your comment feed earlier
            Anyway I'm glad you decided to write a story about Hunter can't wait to read more


I'm announcing that my account will be on hold for awhile. I don't know how long, but it'll last until my homework dies down.
          I'm really sorry that I won't be posting much guys, but my homework comes first. 
          And I would like to apologize to those whose books I usually read, I'm still behind on reading because my app has been frequently crashing. However I may still read and comment even though my account will be on hold.


@RedEnigma homework does come first, I get ya. Been there. Good luck, and can't wait to see you and your works back up soon!


Ok first off, I'm sorry I haven't been on Wattpad in awhile. I've been bogged down by schoolwork that may or may not have been due to a little bit of procrastination on my part. 
          So I'll be finishing What Remains, adding on to This Shattered Place, and getting caught up on reading this week.
          Yeah you sort of know it's been awhile when you log on to 600+ notifications... and because of that, if you commented on one of my comments on a book that's not my own in the last couple of weeks, I unfortunately will not respond. Which saddens me because I usually like looking at the comments at least.
          Anyway hopefully I won't disappear for this long, again.


I'm ready when you are! I like the change. The one I read off site was squeaky clean, much like Twilight is to vampires, do it's nice to see the legend differently. @RedEnigma


Just wanted to add that What Remains is taking a darker turn then I had originally anticipated, so be forewarned...


Hey guys!
          Just informing you guys that I'm actually going to do a #JustWriteIt this month. It's called What Remains.
          This doesn't mean I won't update This Shattered Place. It just means I might update less than what I was originally planning... (This may be due to the fact that I'm not sure how I'm tackling the apple and the true love's kiss portion...) Sorry about that...
          Comment below how you feel about these developments, or don't. The choice is yours.
          Anyway Happy November!
          Red Enigma


Hi there hun
          I'm just dropping by to give you some mayor thank yous for both taking the time to read Whispered Kiss and for the votes plus comments. I can't begin to tell you how much its appreciated . I do hope you enjoy it. I read your profile and though my characters aren't tottally saints, you won't find swearing to be an everyday thing. Here and there perphas. Any sexual scenes have a warning and placed in a chapter which can be skipped without missing context :) That said, I hope you enjoy the Whispered Kiss characters and the storyline. I also hope you continue to enjoy it. 
          Have a wonderful day and Happy Reading ^_^


Btw thanks for the vote!


            I'm intrigued by the idea behind it...
            Hope you have a wonderful day as well!