Hey, everyone! Welcome to #RealTalk!

I am Me, Master of All Things Awesome
I'm gonna be the same age as the rest of these turds REAL SOON, okaY?!
I enjoy peanut butter, reading, writing, music, drawing, and also peanut butter.
Oh, and my name is Grace, but don't expect me to have any. :D

I am Aidan! I'm not quite as awesome as Clumsy... I mean.. Grace here:D, but we are both young for our grade AND 4.0 honors students, so we rock. I enjoy learning, music, ice cream, reading, etc. Read more about us in our bios!

Hi, I'm Emma! I'm older than both Grace and Aidan! My hobbies include sleeping in unusual places, tripping on stairs, listening to pretentious indie music, and overdressing for just about every occasion. I write LOADS of stuff, but not very much of it leaves the safety of my Google Docs account. I am also very bad at writing short things, so please forgive me for this awkward baby-paragraph! ;)
  • JoinedJuly 4, 2014