
@arielmalcolm1 hey there. no no no, hahah, i mean it's closed for further requests. (: no worries, i'm still going to make yours. xxx


Ead maid for you already. It was the first fanfic I ever read. Probably a year ago if not more than that. I just wanted to tell you even after all this time it's still my favorite one and I don't understand why you deleted it. I know you wanted to rewrite it and all and I'm not trying be rude but it was kind of selfish of you to delete it.... So many people wanted to read that story and I regret posting this because that was a little harsh and mean of me but it's the truth. You're such an amazing writer. You really honestly should of kept that story up because it made so many people happy and it still would be if you hadn't deleted it. I actually came here in hope to find it again to reread it even though I knew you had removed it before. I hope you saved that story somewhere and you're just not saying anything because it really is special to me and I have a feeling it's really special to you too. Somehow I just know that. Really one day I hope you repost it I really do. Okay I will let you go back to your normality.  Have a fantastic day and I wish everything the best to you. Bye love. Xxxx


Hey Blair, sorry I just read my messages and saw what you wrote. I'm really proud of you for what you did. I hope everything turned out okay with your friend. Write me back and we'll chat. I'm sorry if I came across as a bitch, I'm really not. Hope to hear from you soon love xx