Hi, I'm Ra, 16 years old. I have been in Wattpad since 13 which is amazing! I have met a lot of great people here, always encouraging me and making me believe in myself. Wattpad has helped me really discover my love for Writing. 

I am a writer of Fiction, specifically Coming of Age and Fantasy. Through my stories, I like to bring something new to the world, something people will question and love. I also write Poetry of sorts. Hopefully one day, I'm able to share some of my works.

I know some of you will probably want to know me more, and if that's the case, here's a few things about me:

- Besides writing, I like acting, singing, drawing
- Anime is a go-to inspiration
- I'm a Capricorn and my personality type is INFP
- What else? I usually like everyone I meet

Thanks for visiting my page!
  • Fantastical Reality
  • JoinedMarch 21, 2017

Last Message
RaRisen2332 RaRisen2332 Jan 30, 2019 11:03PM
I unpublished Loser's Jacket and will be spending a year working on my writing skills and creating a massive outline for my story. Good Luck to me.
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