RG Sanders is an ‘Indie Writer’ with no par­tic­u­lar genre pref­er­ence, though most of his scrib­blings do tend to fall into the fan­tasy and sci­ence fic­tion pigeon holes. He's a visionary (in his own mind) and an entrepreneurial writer - as in he can never decide what form he likes to write in the most, so he tries them all: short story, novel, poetry, script, graphic novel and so on.

OK, we're good on the 3rd person bit, right? Let's get more casual...

I enjoy writ­ing because of the cre­ation, the full-throttle (some­times) abil­ity to turn absolutely noth­ing into a work­able piece of enter­tain­ment. I’d make movies if I knew how, or pro­duce songs, if I could sing or play an instru­ment (I’ve asked, but appar­ently play­ing drums on Rock Band does not qual­ify me as a bona-fide musi­cian), so instead I use the one thing I think I’m good at: writing.

As a writer, I love the, ‘Yeah, and then this… oh and this, what about that? OH I KNOW!’ moments of think­ing up some­thing new and cram­ming it together ...eh, I mean gen­tly mak­ing it work with every­thing else. It’s fun, isn’t it? Or am I just as crazy as the rest of you? Probably.

You may be won­der­ing, beyond the writ­ing, what I am like? Well, I’m a born-and-bred Eng­lish­man liv­ing in Seat­tle - because when you know grey driz­zle, stick with grey driz­zle. I’m also a hus­band and father, a com­plete nerd, a cycling enthu­si­ast, a video-game player, a cinephile, a col­lec­tor of Lego (kind of, it’s not as bad as it sounds), and all-around sar­cas­tic and dry-witted chappy.
  • JoinedMarch 21, 2013

Last Message
RG_Sanders RG_Sanders May 21, 2013 01:52AM
I live! Alas, moving has been a stretch and the Family Sanders has been busy busy getting settle. Hoping to get back to my writerly ways ASAP.
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