Nothing is better than kissing your best friend in front of homophobes


What'd the name of the rewritten Percy Jackson and Wizarding world fiction??


@hdjskishdhd okies and of course I'll still be interested 


@hdjskishdhd ok so first things first hi, so the fic ended up getting deleted on accident due to a little incident, and i ended up getting completely logged out of my account too, it was really interesting tbh, ne ways i can't get back into my account due to a variety of reasons, so this whole account is currently abandoned until i get my life together and somehow find a way to log back in
            im currently working on the fic tho and its in my drafts, but idk when i'll publish it.
            I feel really bad, but schist happens yk
            im honestly kind of glad i got logged out because this account was really immature and stupid and i hope i can grow more as a person and a writer with my new one 
            i'll send you the link when i publish the fic, if you're still interested
            also plz make no comments on the new username, my close friend chose it for me


my brain at 4am: has some deep, philosophical thought
          my brain during class: lmaooo FuCKin bEANS


@-faeriefrvit- lmao my brain has the Barney theme playing on repeat


i’m just hearing cpr on replay 


I got a B on my algebra test so that's good
          I'm still failing my class, but I got a B this time
          So yay for improvement ig


Improvements are always good


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i fucking hate children


@MMartin31 babies are chill too ig, but you're right, middle schoolers are built different


@READY_2_FIGHT_GOD lmao I won't lie I like all kids but when they hit middle school...all I'll say is they're built different 


@MMartin31 i like kids ages 7 thru 9 because they're chill


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fellow weebs: i would talk about anime with my friends and family, but they think its weird
          me: *watches and talks anime with my dad and siblings, and my mom has been roped into watching it too, also has multiple weeb friends*
          me at fellow weebs: lmao that shit's tough aint it


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writing a harry potter a fic that's a series of oneshots about the slytherins in harry's year, while im procrastinati- i mean working on my other fics  and i wanted to show yall my favorite chapter titles
          here they are:
          Professor Quirrell is a Grade-A Pussy, But You Didn't Hear That From Me
          Not Only Are Crabbe and Goyle Top In Dark Arts, They Also Duet Opera
          Marcus Flint Said He Can Seduce A Dementor, But I Call Bullshit
          "My Dad Is Going To Prison." "Mine Is Too, You Aren't That Special."
          and that's just 4 of them lol