
I haven’t had much time and I’ve been having even more trouble with my laptop (again) but I finally finished a special chapter for the fans of my PhaYo story “Bitter & Sweet.” If you have time, it’s just one long chapter. I actually think it’s pretty well written. I’d love to hear what you think. Here’s the link (first time publishing and announcing from my phone app, so excuse me if anything is weird). Lots of love and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, all the joy!!!


Hello dear author. I hope and wish that you are doing great. I wanted to know if you are going to continue your ForthYo story 'Alpha and his Omega'. It's going to be 2 years soon since the last update. You had taken down the story. I really loved it. I wanted to know should I even wait anymore? I'll be sad if it's not meant to be continued but I'll respect your decision. It's just I'm getting a little impatient now. Please if you have time let me know about the story and your decision about it.


@AyeshaFarooq6 You are seriously so nice. Thank you for liking my story. I will try to update as often as possible. Unfortunately not today because work was a big pile of bad, but hopefully several chapters tomorrow.


@AyeshaFarooq6 thank you for updating. Take a rest. Good night. Hope you dream of butterflies and flowers.


@AyeshaFarooq6 oh! thank you sooo much. You don't know how thrilled I am to receive your reply. It's 3:15 am right now in my country. The moment I received the notification saying 'Alpha and the Omega', I crossed my fingers and wished it's  'Alpha and his Omega' story update. I am sooo happy to hear from you and also to be able to read the story again. Thank you for that. You can take your time. I understand that everyone has his own challenges in life. I am happy that the story will be continuing again. 


Hello dear writer. I hope and wish you are doing great. I wanted to ask if you have taken down your story The Alpha and his Omega. It was a ForthYo story. I really love it. I have been waiting for an update on it since about last year. It was November or maybe December of last year when you last posted an update of it and now it's gone. I was thrilled that you are back again when I received your message today. I instantly came to check if I missed an update on that story. But it's not on your profile anymore. I just wanted to know if you are going to continue that story or not. I will really appreciate if you could but it's also okay if you don't want to. I hope you could give me a reply about that.


@AyeshaFarooq6 don't be nervous at all. You are a great writer. Your stories are fun to read. I never had to struggle to understand the timeline and flow of the events in your stories. So don't be nervous. You are one of my very few trusted writers. I will be waiting for you. Take your time and write when you feel like it. I'm happy that you got your new laptop. I hope it works well for you and will keep doing it. Don't be sorry for being late. Enjoying your life is also important. I'm happy that you got to enjoy with your family. I wish that you get to live your life happily and healthily. Lastly, again I want to say take your time and enjoy yourself. Thank you for your efforts. 


@AyeshaFarooq6 Wow, that kind of praise makes me nervous that I won't be able to meet expectations. I hope I can write something you will love to go along with what you loved already. You are so sweet! I've got my new laptop, it seems to actually be working, but honestly after all I've been through I am not holding my breath. The first time this happened, I lost a lot of work and stories and videos and pictures and just everything, so now I am backing up everything to my external hard drive nearly religiously. I started reading that Alpha and Omega story again and can't wait to get to work on it. Sorry it wasn't sooner, but I went on vacation with family and then (naturally) got a really bad flu. As soon as I am able to hold down normal foods and think clearly, I will start publishing again. I'm so happy to know that someone is waiting to read it.


@AyeshaFarooq6 oh what a relief to know that the story will be back again. Thank you soooo much. I really loved that story. It was amazing. Take your time dear. I can wait. It's almost a year already since I read the story. There's no harm in waiting more. It was a great concept and written greatly. Thank you for your hard work.


I haven’t had much time and I’ve been having even more trouble with my laptop (again) but I finally finished a special chapter for the fans of my PhaYo story “Bitter & Sweet.” If you have time, it’s just one long chapter. I actually think it’s pretty well written. I’d love to hear what you think. Here’s the link (first time publishing and announcing from my phone app, so excuse me if anything is weird). Lots of love and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, all the joy!!!


Would you please write one about Forth and Kongpob? I'd love to see one where they both are rejected by their lives and find by solace in each other. Later the other two realize what they want but it's too late


@susanagrant ep 4 was their first kiss scene


@susanagrant It's okay, I forgot too. I put it on my waiting list and found that you were already listed there. I will let you know when I have a chance to start it. I'm actually hoping to see some footage of Tae and Sing together just to get some ideas flowing.


Sorry. Forgot who I sent that to


I don’t know where to put this request but I’m hella sleepy and this is the second place my brain thought of. Please please please do it. 
          She snaked her way in his bed, caused a rift between him and his family and nearly bankrupted his business in one-fell-swoop. Finally, he lay, heavily wounded, on a hospital bed due to a failed assassination attempt that she was involved in. Things never end well for villains. With the law hot on her heels, her in-laws not giving her room to breath and the presence of her husband’s white moonlight, Zhuang Guowei is tempted to just pull the trigger and end her husband- her poison. 
          Bonus points for twisted initial motive. 
          Bonus bonus points for cruel cold hearted means and still outrun the law. 
          Extra bonus points- no emotional twists just poison and more poison. 
          Thank tysm. Kisses- muah!


            Please no! Definitely not to make fun of drag queens. But if the drag queen is sarcastically funny, I’d love that. 
            I really don’t think it’s funny or shocking when a guy is a drag queen. I just love it. (This is hard to explain) free spirited drag queens just make me happy. It’s not a mockery haha-you-look-stupid thing. It’s you-just-make-me- happy. (I hope you understand) 
            I love to see drag queens put on make up and know more about fashion and beauty than most girls. I love drag queens that know all the dirt on everyone but are sweet and kind to a few people yet they have like a hundred  acquaintances. But then they aren’t afraid to pull out the dirt. I like to see them sarcastic. I keep imagining one that has to keep telling everyone that they aren’t gay and that their just as good a man as anyone else- just a bit unique. :) AHHHH! They make me so happy! 
            I don’t mind romance, but there are very few types I’m comfortable with. Content with romance is like the best option. 
            Yes! For my last request. You can watch “Good burger.” to get a proper definition of the character I’m looking at. “ED” played by Kel Mitchell. This one is definitely a romance thing but asexual.  Ed seems extremely stupid yet he is way too smart. What I want featured is college life, with him still working at good burger but also showing other sides of him. Thank you so much. When you’re able to get to it, just pm me. Tysm kisses- muah!


@grandma_dumpling I'll happily try all your different stories. I'm fine with adding a drag queen, but in the spirit of being respectful, I won't make the drag queen the comic relief. I see you are a no romance kind of reader. I can try to work with that. I've never seen Good Burger, but I'm sure I can give that a try too. Throw them all at me. I will add them to my list of requests and send your a note when I've been able to complete any of them. Thank you for your requests. I do love to try new things so I hope you will enjoy them when they come out.


            But I’d love if you can add a drag as in a drag queen. (Yaahhhh! I love drag queens) They are mostly associated with being gay but I’d like mine either straight or asexual. 
            That being said, please keep all main characters straight. Side characters can either be straight or asexual or not want romance or celibates. 
            Quote, “so basically, use the characters that I want and go with the plot you listed above?”
            If you want extra details, you can ask me. If you’re okay with what you have, you can go ahead and use whichever characters you like. 
            You can ask anything where need be. Tysm Kisses- muah. 


I hate to do this to anyone who has been waiting for my next story ... but my move got postponed. The movers came, emptied out our house, we moved into a hotel while waiting for the day of our flight and then we all got sick. Literally, vomiting and fever and the whole crappy flu. NOT COVID (we tested), thank Heaven, but they wouldn't let us on the plane. So I spent the last week and a half feeling deathly sick in a hotel room. Hopefully I will be getting on the new flight and moving soon. BUT since I was sick, I didn't get any writing done and since I still haven't moved, I still have a ton of things I have to do before I can actually work on a new story. I had hoped to put out at least two REQUESTS by the end of August, but now that probably won't happen.
          I sincerely apologize for making you wait. I love all those who have commented and told me that you don't mind waiting or that you love my stories. I know this won't make up for anything, but I'm putting out a teaser for anyone who is interested in my next ForthYo story. It's just the opening scene, but I really love where the story is going and I can't wait to share it with you. I hope you'll enjoy it and please, please, please give me some feedback. It's called The Alpha and the Omega. Look for it on my new stories. I will try to still have at least one REQUEST done by the first or second week of September. After that, I should be able to get a schedule for sharing more.
          As I've just come back from what felt like death, I am hoping all of you will be extra cautious and take care of yourselves so you can stay healthy. Good health is one of those blessings we take for granted until we don't have it anymore. So please keep wearing your masks and social distancing as much as possible. Love!!


@DeenTanuka I'm so glad you're excited about it. I'm really excited about it too, which makes it hard to wait to finish writing it! I'm feeling better now, so after I get through the first stages of this move (the plane ride and getting settled in a temporary apartment), I promise to update. :)


@AprilGlenn6 Thank you so much. I am feeling much better, still coughing but no longer feeling like death is lying on the bed next to me. :)


@Bella8903 Thank you. I'm feeling much better.


Quick question: as I was starting on a new ForthYo story I seemed to recall a request I had about a PhaBeam pairing. A fortuitous coincidence. Anyway, I can't find the comment where the request was made, so if anyone happens to remember where I can find the comment (it was definitely a comment made on one of my already published stories) so that I can try to incorporate the ideas he/she presented: I would truly appreciate it.
          Also, votes: Do you want me to start publishing my next story as I work on it or publish in it's entirety when it's done? If I start publishing now, I can probably get out one chapter a week, even while I'm in the process of moving, until it's done. If I publish when it's all completed, I won't be able to publish for at least another month. Opinions please.


I've just finished a new story, entitled, "Bitter & Sweet." A PhaYo fan-fiction. Short, but sweet. I hope all of my readers will read it -- vote, comment, and share. Let me know how you feel about it and if it brought a light feeling of joy to your life. It is complete, so you don't even have to wait for me to find time to update. To all of you still reading An Angel's Heart, we've got three or four more chapters to go, so I hope you'll all stick with me to the end. LOVE you all.


@UsagiAna You know I always give Yo a happy ending. Pha only gets a happy ending if he's good to Yo, cause Yo is my baby. I can't wait to hear what you think about my new story. ❌⭕️


@PurplePansy95 yeiiii!!!! Thanks for another PhaYo story!!!! I have just added it to my reading list and I'll start reading it!!! Of course I'll stay until the end of Angel's heart!!! I really want to know what Arthit will tell Yo and I hope Pha and Yo will be happy forever!!! 