
Your limitation—it’s only your imagination. You gotta, push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.
          	It's going to be hard, but hard does not mean impossible. Life's never easy. You just have to make it easy by accepting challenges. 
          	Never lose hope. You are your biggest inspiration. Trust yourself.
          	You are beautiful. Strong.
          	Have a great day/night/evening.
          	Project Realize.


Your limitation—it’s only your imagination. You gotta, push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.
          It's going to be hard, but hard does not mean impossible. Life's never easy. You just have to make it easy by accepting challenges. 
          Never lose hope. You are your biggest inspiration. Trust yourself.
          You are beautiful. Strong.
          Have a great day/night/evening.
          Project Realize.


@ProjectRealize umm... not to be mean but, a person who has ost there legs has the limation of not being able to run a marathon so.... not imagination


I needed that.. Thank you.


We would also like to announce another admin that has joined the team. Everyone welcome Isha (@isha8040)! We're very glad to have you on the team! :)


@ProjectRealize the usernames probably don't work on the message board, try clicking her username on our bio :)


@ProjectRealize I can't view their profile


Everyone please welcome our brand new admin Hazel aka @seneca29 ! We're glad to have you on the team!


@ProjectRealize Thank you for giving me an amazing opportunity. It means a lot. It's a privilege to be on board. : ) 
            Thanks again.


We apologize heavily for the delay in announcement of the winners. The admins, including myself, are busy as of late. My phone has also gotten messed up and EVERYTHING was deleted :((( . I will try to send evaluations to the remaining entries and again, we are so so sorry. Seriously didn't expect to be so busy during summer break, it's insane. Please don't give up hope, we WILL announce the winners! 
          As for the stickers for second and third place, they will be sent after announcement of the winners and the winner chapter will be updated with the picture of the stickers on the cover. Thank you so much for your patience.


@ProjectRealize Got college so it's even worse for me, starting earlier D:


@ProjectRealize You have summer vacation? Today is my last day of school.
            I know, right? Make us start at like September 6 and end on June 26.


So if you guys watch H3H3 Productions (love them), I just wanted to point out how one of Ethan's videos really changed my mindset a bit.
          In Ethan's video titled, "Me and Hila met at the Holocaust museum"(oh lawd), Ethan mentions the little decision of deciding to talk to Hila after all and how it positively and completely turned his life around. He says that any decision or path that scares the crap out of you is the one you should be most focused on and should take right away. I also connected with him having generalized anxiety which I have as well.
          Ethan is hilarious (papa bless) but he's going to be such a good dad to little Theo and he's just overall an amazing role model. When I saw him passionately explain how making that small decision that scared him so much, especially when he was at his lowest, it hit me to the core and I pretty much realized that making those scary decisions are the ones that are going to make  things  happen. 
          Just thought it really related to the project and it is basically what we're all about. Get out there and face those challenges head on, get things done.
          -Tanz @ Project Realize <3