
Thank you so very much for following me, @PositiveWonders 
          If you are a reader of 101 Ways To Save A life, I certainly hope you are enjoying the story. 
                - gift.


@reflectives That is so true. Even from an early age, I've admired writers and what they do. It's really funny, because before you start writing it always seems easy, but then you do and you get frustrated along the way, but there's always that little something that will keep you going and that will make the whole experience extremely enjoyable. :) 


@PositiveWonders I identify with that feeling. It certainly is reassuring to find writers of our ages on Wattpad. I have a soft spot for movies, but the ability to decide when and where you want to delve into a book, and how/how deep you want to interpret what you are reading (in contrast to the method in which movies tell you what to see & how you'll see it) can never be overshadowed.


@reflectives You're welcome, sweetie. I'm just glad that writers like you that are actually close to my age exist. Sometimes I feel like this generation doesn't see the beauty of literature. I mean, don't get me wrong, movies are great and a work of art in their own way, but nothing can replace the magic of books. :) 


@PositiveWonders did you write it by yourself? wow you've really written so much books


@LookingStars  Yeah,  I did. Everyone always keeps asking me why I don't like sad endings to stories and I decided to write it, so I wouldn't have to explain it to everyone separately. :D 
            And I guess you could say that. However, I have a lot on hold that I still need to work on. :D