
I'm really sorry, this isn't good news
          	College so far has been... Hectic to put it lightly. I don't really have enough time to even read stories like i usually did, let alone having time to continue writing.
          	So I'm taking an indefinite hiatus, until I get some time to restart updating.
          	I'll still come here from time to time to read the stories you all have to say, but it is going to be a while before i resume mine.
          	I'm sorry everyone


Ill be waiting 4 u 2 come back no matter what! And college is gonna be tough so Never Give Up Till it's Over!


@PokeFan1203 yep we will wait for you to come back. College is tough, all the best in that


I'm really sorry, this isn't good news
          College so far has been... Hectic to put it lightly. I don't really have enough time to even read stories like i usually did, let alone having time to continue writing.
          So I'm taking an indefinite hiatus, until I get some time to restart updating.
          I'll still come here from time to time to read the stories you all have to say, but it is going to be a while before i resume mine.
          I'm sorry everyone


Ill be waiting 4 u 2 come back no matter what! And college is gonna be tough so Never Give Up Till it's Over!


@PokeFan1203 yep we will wait for you to come back. College is tough, all the best in that


I'm having a few ideas after reading through various Mangas and playing Pokemon Xenoverse. And I've come up to a decision. I will be rebooting the JTBAM Series. It's going to be sometime in the future, but I feel that my own work so far has been a little sloppy, and I've made Ash a little lopsided in terms of power. That will change however when i make a reboot. The major changes are in the Kanto Arc, especially considering the Orange Islands Arc has a better representation of what I expect Ash to be.
          This all is going to take a lot of time though. I'm very busy with college right now and i don't see myself getting much free time in the foreseeable future.
          I'm sure you'll all love the new direction of the story will take and I'll be much more serious with the plot and not get carried away with making Ash op


@PokeFan1203  Your story was great. Can't deny  that. But i think you showed Ash a little OP in your story. You can made him strong but if you make him this much Op then it Won't be that exciting to read.


@PokeFan1203 The story wasn’t bad btw. But yeah,you did made Ash a little too much op. It's his first journey after all.
            You can make him op in step by step,slowly. This will develop his character well and properly.You can add some violence and seriousness in your story too so that it feels kind a similar to reality. But it is your story you can do whatever you want. 
            Btw you can check my Pokemon adventures story. I hope you will find it enjoyable 


@PokeFan1203. Thanks for time you spent on this story to make it better for us.


Hi guys... I've got an announcement to make.
          I will be taking a hiatus from writing for a few months.
          Now i know a lot of you have been wanting me to keep going on with my works, especially the JTBAM Series, and while I myself have been theilled about putting out the chapters, i really need to focus on my college right now.
          I hope the next sem is a little bit lighter, and i can continue my work then. So till then take care ;)


@PokeFan1203 I understand. Good luck. See you soon.


@PokeFan1203 it's alright just focus on your studies 