
this message may be offensive
I keep on being taken advantage of by my family, they all of a sudden have some sort of fucking "superhuman eyesight" when it comes to dirty dishes, so fucking meticulous and annoying, they blame me for the dirty dishes and when I tell them that it isn't "my dishes" they demand me to clean it "or else" I am sick and tired of them, I am currently having a panic attack rn because I haven't been in the kitchen all day and now they are saying "REEEE THE DISHES AREN'T CLEAN ENOUGH" and yet also yelling at me to remove the bloody sheets from my bed, I told them "No, because I JUST put those sheets on the bed, and unless you want to do it yourself then be my FUCKING guest." 
          	I am tired of being abused by them, I'm tired of my SS money being withheld by them, and I am tired of being told I am nothing because of my illness. My family wants to walk all over me, and treat me like shit, but when I lash out against them they want to fucking cry wolf and play victim.


          	  Your family are narcissists, plain and simple. I genuinely wish that I could help you out of that situation, no one should have to go through that. I know that it's hard, I've been through something very similar when I was younger, but for the time being all you can do is keep standing up for yourself even though they will try to tear you down.


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I keep on being taken advantage of by my family, they all of a sudden have some sort of fucking "superhuman eyesight" when it comes to dirty dishes, so fucking meticulous and annoying, they blame me for the dirty dishes and when I tell them that it isn't "my dishes" they demand me to clean it "or else" I am sick and tired of them, I am currently having a panic attack rn because I haven't been in the kitchen all day and now they are saying "REEEE THE DISHES AREN'T CLEAN ENOUGH" and yet also yelling at me to remove the bloody sheets from my bed, I told them "No, because I JUST put those sheets on the bed, and unless you want to do it yourself then be my FUCKING guest." 
          I am tired of being abused by them, I'm tired of my SS money being withheld by them, and I am tired of being told I am nothing because of my illness. My family wants to walk all over me, and treat me like shit, but when I lash out against them they want to fucking cry wolf and play victim.


            Your family are narcissists, plain and simple. I genuinely wish that I could help you out of that situation, no one should have to go through that. I know that it's hard, I've been through something very similar when I was younger, but for the time being all you can do is keep standing up for yourself even though they will try to tear you down.


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Security system TAKES CONTROL OF SQUIDWARD'S HOUSE and begins ATTACKING THE CITY. Leaving the mayor to give Squidward community service for the damage he caused. EVEN THOUGH Spongebob and Patrick were in his house the WHOLE FUCKING TIME, and were responsible for EVERYTHING! GAAH! FUCK THIS EPISODE! this episode is when the Squidward torture porn started to become a regular stable in Spongebob's episodes and this one is one of the meanest, cruelest, and just plain unfair of them all. All Squidward wanted to do is enjoy one day to himself. but that can NEVER HAPPEN when he lives next to Spongebob and Patrick. can it.


Opening up Wattpad and seeing people complain about having Hateful Messages really is funny because there's nothing stopping you from just blocking and moving on. 
          I'm sorry if I come off as blunt and direct, but if you're going to complain about "TEH HATERS" you're only giving them fuel to continue to get under your skin. Ignoring them is more better than giving in and letting it be known that you're bothered. 
          If you continue then this ends up with you being trolled by people who are far worse then those people. Don't become a Lolcow.
          - Mammon, The Orchid Sys