
Thx for 5K views! I finally have a working laptop. :) Check out my latest YT video, and see you soon...
          	P.S. There definitely isn't a wip for the next chapter on my Tumblr. Because I definitely don't have a Tumblr account.


Concerning my absence. My laptop, which is my main device for writing, decided to completely shut down during exam week. I won't go into detail, but it has basically been rendered unusable now. 
          I spent months working (and procrastinating) on a video project I was so dedicated to making. Handling that combined with school and my own life was really difficult. 
          I stopped working on chapters to focus on it, but editing was slow. It took time away from my writing, and being very inconsistent in general, things weren't getting out quick enough. 
          I also felt a bit of something simialr to burn out. Basically, I would hit a slump in a certain paragraph, then stop writing for days until I was able to go back and work on it. This was a big issue as I felt as if I was too unfocused to write properly. 
          Despite this, I am still making more chapters, and I want to give you this story. I will do my best to build a stronger work ethic towards both my channel and my fanfic. I know you have all been patient. And I apologize for making you wait. 
          (Damn this too long )


@Pink_Pastel_Skies that’s totally okay, don’t overwork yourself, wishing u the best <3


I am genuinely appalled by the discourse surrounding GraWolfQuinn and Springtrap and Deliah. To be honest, I feel the same why as Mrs.PinkLoveHeart about this. It's really disgusting to see allegations like this all the time. I can't stand for what she did, regarding which parts of the evidence are real or not. I still want to continue my AGA story and be apart of the comic's fandom.


@Pink_Pastel_Skies I have the same feeling. Nice to know there's others who will continue? (Sorry if this sounds narsistic)